| Family First Feature |

10 Things to Toss

Here’s my list of the top ten things people aren’t throwing away, but really should — and how to do the deed



es, we know: Pesach cleaning is really about chometz. But while we’re emptying out the cabinets anyway, it’s the perfect opportunity to purge. Your home has been waiting for this.


1. "E-Waste" (Old Electronics)

The “sort of working” cordless phone (as long as you don’t need the number 7), the camera that doesn’t zoom, the MP3 player that doesn’t play, the extra cell phone you may need someday, the broken laptop with important information on it (I don’t remember what, but I’m sure it’s important…), batteries (do these work?), the printer/fax machine that could be fixed (it’s cheaper to buy a new one!), and wires upon wires upon wires….

These items are in the first box I throw into the trash when I help people organize their homes — and my clients thank me for it. Half of it is clunky junk not worthy of the space it takes, the other half is unidentifiable, and none of it is ever used.

Dump the Junk

You can deal with this quickly. Pull out a few old electronic toys this afternoon and have the kids check all the batteries in them. Toss any electronics you haven’t used in the past year. Any wire that’s stuck in a tangle is one you obviously haven’t needed. And if you do, the local hardware store will be happy to sell you another one for a few dollars. 


2. Online Shopping Fails 

This is the newest type of clutter I find in my client’s homes. The intricate organizer that doesn’t actually organize, the funky sandwich cutters that are the wrong size for the shape of bread sold in your country, the throw pillows you thought would match the couch, the jacket that came in the wrong color and you didn’t have the time to return, the silicon butterfly pan that you bought on a whim and never used…. We save these items because we spent money on them. What we don’t realize is that not only did these items waste our money, they’re also wasting our precious space!

Dump the Junk 

Do a quick walk through your home and gather up these items. Post them in your local paper for sale, individually or as “best offer,” and if that fails, as giveaways. Even better — place them next to the garbage dumpsters. They’ll be gone in minutes.


3. Outdated Toys 

Many of the toys we own bring back warm memories, but honestly, their time is over. Brace yourself, children of the ’80s and ’90s: Bristle Blocks, Lincoln Logs, Tinker Toys, baby toys such as stacking rings and snap-lock beads, that rotary phone on a string (what is that, Mommy?), Care Bears, My Little Pony, Life, Bingo, Etch-A-Sketch, and (dare I say) slinkies are all a thing of the past. Whether it’s because the more successful Magna-Tiles and Clics have been taking over, or the flashing lights and noises coming from the latest baby toys make that stacking tower look boring… no one plays with these oldies-but-not-goodies, so just let go, and make room for more Playmobil in your home.

Dump the Junk 

If your toys are still in good condition (and I doubt they are), call your local chesed organization to collect them. If you’re really emotionally attached, clean your Tinker Toys and Lincoln Logs well, and put them away to be used just on Pesach. For one week there’s a slight chance they’ll entertain someone….

Excerpted from Mishpacha Magazine. To view full version, SUBSCRIBE FOR FREE or LOG IN.

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