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Rabbi Avi Schnall
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Avi Greenstein
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Gedalia Guttentag
The Soapbox
Gedalia Guttentag
The Soapbox
Gedalia Guttentag
Fruits of Kindness
A bus ticket, a care package, a haircut — the items were small, the caring behind them enormous. A small seed sprouted and grew tall. Twenty readers share acts of giving
Family First Readers
Candid takes from people who made the move
Mishpacha Contributors
Some of this generation’s most sought-after mentors offer insight on navigating the challenges, dilemmas, and victories of the ben Torah in today’s workplace
Mishpacha Contributors
Hindsight Is 2020
As China menaces Taiwan, America must step in   Ever since Nixon’s dramatic China visit in 1972, American policy on the Communist giant has been a fantasyland. Known as the “One-China policy,” it attempted to reconcile China’s claim to Taiwan with the US commitment to the island nation’s independence. At heart was a piece of
Chanie Nayman and Michal Frischman
Hindsight Is 2020
This dual focus — on Torah growth, and maintaining Jews’ last Jewish connection — is one that kiruv organizations should embrace
Gedalia Guttentag
Family Room Feature
Mood boards to inspire your bathroom updates, from small to large, black to white — and all the colors in between
Family Room Contributors
Family Room Feature
Foundational concepts when considering a bathroom refresh
Yali Katz
Simply Organized
After latkes and doughnuts, why not indulge in the gift of breathing space?
Miriam Yafit
Simply Organized
Let’s transform your personal space into zen and peaceful rather than cloudy and stressful
Miriam Yafit
More The Soapbox
The Soapbox

A casualty of a politician’s fickleness

By Yochonon Donn

The Soapbox

This is a disaster of generational dimensions, not just embarrassing but dangerous to America

By Gedalia Guttentag

The Soapbox

Note to Naftali Bennett: Fight red tape, not Rabbis for shemittah

By Gedalia Guttentag

The Soapbox

“Title I was what made Agudath Israel a national organization”

By Yochonon Donn

The Soapbox

The shocking numbers of estranged American Jews should give us no rest

By Gedalia Guttentag

The Soapbox

Why soccer should matter to Britain’s frum community

By Gedalia Guttentag