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Ariella Schiller
Family Living
Ruthie Levy
Family Living
Esther Shaindy Leshkowitz
Family Living
Family First Contributors
Family Living
Family First Contributors
Night Vision: Chanukah Theme 5783
Ten true accounts of life-altering dreams that portended the future
Rachel Bachrach
In Other News
Covid, in addition to causing immense loss of life, disrupted the world’s supply chain of products and services
Omri Nahmias
In Other News
It is clear that the Regents are determined to exert their control over private schools for the first time
Yochonon Donn
Family Activities
Come one, come all, play one, play all! You can prepare these carnival booths for a Chanukah party, or do one activity each night at home with your family
Esti Vago
Family Activities
Bubbles + tie-dye equals a whole new level of fun and flair
Esti Vago
Diplomatic Notes with Malcolm Hoenlein
As Iran dashes for the bomb, Israel may be preparing to act
Gedalia Guttentag
Diplomatic Notes with Malcolm Hoenlein
Any threat to the unity of Jerusalem under Jewish control is not something that Israel or world Jewry can yield to
Gedalia Guttentag
The Art of the Deal
White House envoy Avi Berkowitz traces the story behind the historic Israel-UAE deal
Gedalia Guttentag
The Art of the Deal
The diplomatic coup announced by Trumpian tweet last week to a stunned world began only a few months ago on the olive-green hills of Judea and Samaria
Gedalia Guttentag
More Family Living
Family Living

Post Yom Tov, it’s time to clean up, organize, and whip your home back into shape!

By Ariella Schiller

Family Living

If you’re anything like us, you’re bound to get overwhelmed by all the stuff your kids deem as “important”

By Chanie Nayman

Family Living

Get your winter gear in gear

By Chanie Nayman

Family Living

The first thing to do is a don’t do — do not scratch a mosquito bite within the first few minutes after being bitten

By Chanie Nayman

Family Living

Here are some products I recently discovered that can make the trip smoother

By Chanie Nayman

Family Living

I once accidentally bought thin metal spoons from the dollar store, and now I’m always reaching for them

By Chanie Nayman