Latest Voice in the Crowd
Voice in the Crowd
Yisroel Besser
Voice in the Crowd
Yisroel Besser
Voice in the Crowd
Yisroel Besser
Voice in the Crowd
Yisroel Besser
Voice in the Crowd
Yisroel Besser
Cut ‘n Paste
“Do you know any big rabbis through your charity who could give me a brachah?”
Jordan Odinsky
Cut ‘n Paste
Although Dad was not speaking much anymore, the song came out clear and audible, every word of Haneiros hallalu
Chaya Dunner
C is for Courage
Almost four years have passed. Almost four years since that hot summer day when I was diagnosed with cancer. Who would’ve thought that cancer would be the best thing that happened to me?
Esty Bloom
“Think over what? This sounds awesome! I’d love to be your assistant coach!” Rafi exclaimed
Ariella Stern
About one hour, a few X-rays, and one soda can later, Rafi was finally able to get some answers
Ariella Stern
Special Supplement: Rav Chaim Kanievsky — A Sefer Torah on Loan
It is impossible to feel the impact of Rav Chaim’s brilliance unless one experiences it firsthand 
Rabbi Avrohom Neuberger
Special Supplement: Rav Chaim Kanievsky — A Sefer Torah on Loan
What made the house such a magnet wasn’t just the almost tangible Torah in its air. It was the open hearts of Rav Chaim and Rebbetzin Batsheva
Ezriel Yudkowsky
House of Mirrors
One year later, Laylee smiles… I’m going to enjoy this, she thinks to herself
Rachael Lavon
House of Mirrors
“If you really want to make a difference, the great Laylee Beloff should blog about making meaningful connections with family members, no matter their size or school”
Rachael Lavon
More Voice in the Crowd
Voice in the Crowd

This time, the eitzah is my own. I’m the activist here, and you get to listen

By Yisroel Besser

Voice in the Crowd

On Purim, we are meant to dance as we plead and to sing as we ask

By Yisroel Besser

Voice in the Crowd

What I am about to write, though, is really and truly intended for myself. It’s a personal feeling, and nothing more, but one I hope to honor now and always.

By Yisroel Besser

Voice in the Crowd

Online, it’s different. There it can be dinner season all year long

By Yisroel Besser

Voice in the Crowd

Against my usual practice, I want to share my personal reaction and feelings after reading those letters attacking my piece

By Yisroel Besser

Voice in the Crowd

Ashreinu mah tov chelkeinu: Fine, they all hate us, but we love us — and we love being us!

By Yisroel Besser