| Curveball |

Curveball: Chapter 12

About one hour, a few X-rays, and one soda can later, Rafi was finally able to get some answers


"Ow!” Rafi screamed from the bottom of the heap of boys. “My arm! Get off of my arm!”

Yehuda and Gavi untangled themselves and got up.

Coach Kahan, the coach for the Bears, and the umpire ran toward the three players.

“Boys, are you all okay?” the umpire asked.

“I’m okay, I think,” said Gavi, as he rubbed his shoulder.

“Me, too,” said Yehuda.

Rafi didn’t respond. He was still lying on the ground, holding his arm, and moaning softly. As Rafi tried to stand, he suddenly screamed in pain.

“Slow down, Rafi. Let me help you up,” said Coach Kahan. Rafi winced as he got up with the coach’s assistance. “Okay, let’s head over to the bench. Nice and slow, buddy.”

Rafi walked slowly to the bench, cradling his right arm. His parents ran over to meet him. As soon as Rafi’s mother asked him if he was okay, Rafi burst out crying. Rafi’s parents led him to the parking lot so they could speak to him in private.

“Rafi, can you move your arm? Does it hurt a lot?” asked Mrs. Marcus.

Rafi looked up at his parents with tears in his eyes and said, “I think I broke it.”

Excerpted from Mishpacha Magazine. To view full version, SUBSCRIBE FOR FREE or LOG IN.

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