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Why Owning Less Is Really More

After latkes and doughnuts, why not indulge in the gift of breathing space?


Chanukah is coming, along with gifts and a possible influx of stuff. After latkes and doughnuts, why not indulge in the gift of breathing space?

When you hear the term, “breathing space,” you might think of the standard definition, “an opportunity to pause, relax, or decide what to do next.” But what if we apply this concept to our space? What does it mean to apply breathing space to our space? Read on….

Owning and acquiring things can make you feel good in the moment. After all, who doesn’t want to have the latest gadget, the trendiest sweater or accessory? However, with each new thing attained, a new “home” is required for it. Whether it’s a conscious decision of putting it in a certain place, or it gets squished somewhere, things take up space.


Creating Breathing Space

A cluttered closet lends little opportunity for feeling peaceful while looking for something to wear. Rather, your time is spent wondering what’s under all the piles. Or maybe you missed something between two squished hangers.

Allowing space between hangers, only having short piles of T-shirts and sweaters, laying shoes out in pairs instead of piled in a heap, makes your clothes more visible and easily accessible. This creates breathing space in your closet.

Same goes for a cluttered bookcase. Only stack the shelves with what you have room for, don’t double stack books one in front of the other, and leave a magazine holder on the shelf for magazines or loose papers. Create a space for each category so there aren’t loose papers sticking out between books. This is creating breathing space on your bookshelf.

Or how about a desktop filled with half-finished work, old projects, or new toys? Creating breathing space means leaving your work surface as clear as possible, having a file for current projects, and a caddy for necessary supplies. Store the rest neatly in a drawer.

Excerpted from Mishpacha Magazine. To view full version, SUBSCRIBE FOR FREE or LOG IN.

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