Which Bin?

Keep, toss, save, sell: A Pesach cleaning primer

Prepared for print by Faigy Peritzman
This time of year, I find myself with so many items that I don’t know what to do with: keep them over Pesach, sell them, toss them, or put in sheimos genizah. Which category do the following items fall into?
Note: This list covers items that are not certified kosher l’Pesach.
“Put away” refers to items that are not chometz but still may not be eaten over Pesach. These items should be removed from the kitchen and eating areas and stored away so that they do not come in contact with kosher l’Pesach food. It’s recommended, but not required, that these items be stored together with the sold chometz items.
Advertising circulars — may be discarded
Baby formula (gluten-free) — may be used for babies (check lists)
Baby powder — may be used
Barley (pearled and raw) — put away
Beer — sell, if your custom is to sell chometz gamur; otherwise discard
Bentsher covers — sheimos genizah
Bran — sell, if your custom is to sell chometz gamur; otherwise discard
Cake mixes — sell, even if your custom is not to sell chometz gamur, and put away
Canola oil — put away
Chewing gum — put away
Chicken/meat/fish (prepared on chometz equipment) — put away
Corn flakes (with malt) — sell, if your custom is to sell chometz gamur; otherwise discard
Cornstarch — put away
Cosmetics (possibly containing chometz) — some use and some put away
Couscous — sell, if your custom is to sell chometz gamur; otherwise discard
Cream of wheat — sell, if your custom is to sell chometz gamur; otherwise discard
Detergents (laundry) — may be used
Farfel — sell, if your custom is to sell chometz gamur; otherwise discard
Finger paint (Elmers) — sell, even if your custom is not to sell chometz gamur, and put away
Flour, whole wheat flour (with malt) — sell, even if your custom is not to sell chometz gamur, and put away
Fondants — put away
Food coloring — put away
Gefilte fish (with matzah meal) — sell, if your custom is to sell chometz gamur; otherwise discard
Glue (Elmer’s) — may be used
Grains (vacuum packed, unprocessed) — put away
Ketchup — put away
Kippahs — may be discarded
Kitniyos — put away
Licorice — sell, if your custom is to sell chometz gamur; otherwise discard
Lulav — preferably burn with chometz; otherwise wrap and discard honorably
Macaroni crafts (spray-painted) — sell, even if your custom is not to sell chometz gamur, and put away
Matzah and matzah meal — sell, if your custom is to sell chometz gamur; otherwise discard
Mayonnaise — put away
Mustard — put away
Oatmeal (instant, baby cereal) — sell, if your custom is to sell chometz gamur; otherwise discard
Parshah sheets — wrap and discard honorably
Perfume — check lists for approval; otherwise put away
Pet food — if contain chometz, sell if your custom is to sell chometz gamur; otherwise discard
Play-Doh — sell, even if your custom is not to sell chometz gamur, and put away
Popcorn — put away
Pudding mixes — put away
Quinoa (not kosher l’Pesach) — put away
Rice Krispies (with malt) — sell, if your custom is to sell chometz gamur; otherwise discard
Salad Dressing — put away
Skin-care products, ointment (with oats) — some use and some put away
Soup mix (powder) — sell, even if your custom is not to sell chometz gamur, and put away
Soy sauce (containing wheat) — sell, if your custom is to sell chometz gamur; otherwise discard
Stress balls (flour filled) — sell, even if your custom is not to sell chometz gamur, and put away
Sugar (confectioners’, brown) — put away
Sunflower oil — put away
Tallis katan with tzitzis (frayed or pasul) — sheimos genizah recommended; otherwise wrap and discard honorably
Tallis katan without tzitzis (frayed or pasul) — discard honorably
Tzitzis (strings) — sheimos genizah recommended; otherwise wrap and discard honorably
Vinegar — put away
Vitamin supplements — put away
Wedding invitations — may be discarded
Wheat germ — sell, even if your custom is not to sell chometz gamur, and put away
Whiskey — sell, if your custom is to sell whiskey; otherwise discard
Yeast (baker’s, powdered, extract) — put away
Yeast (brewer’s) — sell, if your custom is to sell chometz gamur; otherwise discard
(Originally featured in Family First, Issue 786)
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