Latest Halachah
Rabbi Doniel Neustadt
Rabbi Doniel Neustadt
Rabbi Doniel Neustadt
Rabbi Doniel Neustadt
Rabbi Doniel Neustadt
Rocking Horse
I suppose this story is my plea to the world: Don’t let this happen. To anyone. Anywhere. Anytime
Leah Gebber
Rocking Horse
Diaper cream, cribs, bottles, and all your baby questions answered Prepared for print by Faigy Peritzman We just had our first child, and at the shalom zachar everyone got into a debate about why/why not you can use diaper wipes on Shabbos. Can you explain? The main concern is the melachah of sechitah, squeezing. If
Leah Gebber
To Be Honest
Why are some seminaries asking girls if they've ever gone to therapy?
Sarah Rivkah Kohn
To Be Honest
Has our Botox generation lost the art of aging gracefully?
Kayla Markowitz
Dear Readers
I'm already imagining the letters we'll get in response to this week's cover story
Bassi Gruen
What a Year Can Do
As a new year dawns, what did we learn — and how have we changed?
Dean Robert Goldschmidt
What a Year Can Do
As a new year dawns, what did we learn — and how have we changed?
Adrian Garbacz
No Fail
The contract was going to be our big break — and then it fell through
Fay Dworetsky
No Fail
I was in way over my head, yet I kept letting others down
Fay Dworetsky
More Halachah

The halachos of muktzeh are suspended when it comes to moving repulsive items (graf shel re’ii)

By Rabbi Doniel Neustadt


As a general rule, the mitzvah of honoring one’s parents doesn’t require children to pay any money toward the performance of the mitzvah

By Rabbi Doniel Neustadt


The garbage truck isn’t coming on Erev Yom Tov — and other pre-Pesach dilemmas

By Rabbi Doniel Neustadt


“It’s not necessary nor recommended to make a special Krias HaTorah for women to hear parshas Zachor”

By Rabbi Doniel Neustadt


Bring blessing into your life — and into your food

By Rabbi Doniel Neustadt


Can I sort, set, or separate it? Breaking down the laws of borer

By Rabbi Doniel Neustadt