OutlookTuesday, December 31, 2024The Times They Are a’ChangingThe dramatic changes in my lifetime have come not only in the realm of technology, but also in attitudes
OutlookTuesday, December 24, 2024A Hopeful PeopleChanukah represents the ultimate symbol of Jewish hopefulness
OutlookTuesday, December 17, 2024Things Speed UpThe fall of the Assad regime once again reset the Middle East chessboard in Israel’s favor and to the detriment of Iran
OutlookTuesday, December 10, 2024Biden Puts the Final Nail in the Coffin of the ElitesJoe Biden has “shattered the moral pretensions of his presidency, his party, and arguably his entire class”
OutlookTuesday, December 03, 2024Netanyahu Makes a DealNo one knows with any certainty what will become of the ceasefire agreement
OutlookTuesday, November 26, 2024A Real-Life Courtroom DramaThere are times when I feel confident that nearly every reader will enjoy a particular book and be inspired by it
OutlookTuesday, November 19, 2024Let the Good Times RollWhatever the next four years have in store, they will not be boring
OutlookTuesday, November 12, 2024The End of the Obama Presidency — FinallyNowhere will the end of the Obama era be more welcome than in Israel
OutlookWednesday, November 06, 2024Democracy Dies in Voter FraudAmericans across party lines entertain grave doubts about cheating affecting the results of elections
OutlookTuesday, October 29, 2024Israel Fights to WinFaced with a genocidal enemy, whose sole goal is the annihilation of your country, there is no possible compromise
OutlookSunday, October 13, 2024Succos and Jewish UnityThe special closeness we feel to Hashem during Succos leads to greater unity among us in other ways as well