
Pesach Without the Pressure: Chani Levin

There are many ways to make Pesach. None of them have to involve tears, extreme fatigue, or a week of pizza bagels. In this column we’ll meet women with vastly different methods, but who all share the goal of reaching Pesach calmly and happily.

Name: Chani Levin*
From: Lakewood, NJ
Been making Pesach for: 11 years
Cleaning crew: Me and my big girls
Motto: On Seder night we will be ready just like everyone else, no matter how ahead someone else is now.
Approach: I work full time and b”H have a family who needs laundry and food even before Pesach, so I have to spread out the cleaning. I write lists and schedules and rewrite them as I go along.


I start by:

Organizing. I do this Tu B’Shvat time, because when I’m Pesach cleaning I just empty, wipe, and lock up. So I check the medicine cabinet for expired medicines, organize the linen closets…it’s not happening erev Pesach! I also start thinking about Pesach when I shop. Do I really need six bags of lokshen? From the beginning of Adar through Purim, I’m busy with Purim, so my real cleaning starts after Purim.

I start cleaning the places the kids can’t get to. I clean whenever I have a spare hour, working on my bedroom, or my freezer (even if I put chametz back in it, it’ll be easier to clean it erev Pesach).

I start the bedrooms on Rosh Chodesh Nissan. They take me about a week. I lock up most bedroom closets and drawers—this way, my husband doesn’t need to do bedikas chametz on them. The clean laundry just stays in laundry baskets over Pesach.

I spend the next week cleaning my kitchen and shopping. I don’t scrub my pots or oven—that black isn’t chametz. If it’s clean enough for me all year round, it’s clean enough for Pesach.

I lock up all my cabinets. I bought a plastic cabinet for my groceries. I don’t have to empty or line shelves—I put all of my groceries straight from the bags into the closest. As far as pots, pans, and silverware, I don’t have that much and whatever I have is always on my counter—either it’s being washed or it needs to be washed. If something’s not in use, or if I’ve finished with the mixer, I put it back in the box and keep it in my bedroom.


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