The scarf is tied tightly around my eyes. I grope and stumble in the dark, looking for my Ima. Eventually, I catch hold of a figure. I rip the scarf from my face. But it is never Ima. It’s always one of her three faces.
The scarf is tied tightly around my eyes. I grope and stumble in the dark, looking for my Ima. Eventually, I catch hold of a figure. I rip the scarf from my face. But it is never Ima. It’s always one of her three faces.
His mental health has been deteriorating for a while, as his baffled parents look on helplessly. He’s rebellious, just overcome by social anxiety and depression. What now?
I didn’t know it at the time, but I was going through the first of several manic episodes I would experience.
The staggering number of recent suicides among the Orthodox has pushed Dr. Michael Bunzel to create a safe environment for religious Jews to get help
When I was learning, I was a star. But when I got into a bad rut, not only was I into bad stuff, I’d bring other guys down with me
The devastating effects of depression reach far beyond the depressed person. How family can deal with the struggle and help a relative regain equilibrium
We all want to be givers. But the border between healthy giving and unhealthy codependency is easily blurred. Experts define codependency and discuss the price it extracts. The first of a two-part series.
In Part One, we introduced the concept of codependency — a dynamic in which two people are dependent on each other in unhealthy ways. Here, we examine four common codependent relationships, see how they can become established, and explore what one can do to disentangle from the clutches of codependency.
What happens if your new baby brings you anxiety and depression, instead of joy and delight? How to recognize — and recover from — postpartum reactions.
Therapy can be a life-altering journey. But you need to find the right therapist to help guide you along the path.
Rabbi Dovid Dewick is considered an expert in the baffling field of eating disorders, but his knowledge didn’t come from lecture halls or a doctoral thesis. In an unusual twist of Providence, the former manufacturer owes his current occupation to the Amshinover Rebbe, who told him, “Dovid, there isn’t a kehillah that hasn’t been affected by this, and you’re going to help them.”