From Manchuria to Minsk, how Gedolim sent Jewish soldiers off to war
The rebirth of the Torah world from a post-war nadir to produce today’s booming Orthodoxy is one of the great miracles of Jewish history – and the work of a mere handful of great leaders. Amid many great Torah leaders, these gedolim stand out for their outsize impact. They not only created yeshivas and replanted dynasties on new soil, but built movements, which in turn created vast sections of the vibrant Torah world we have today.
The Builders: The Gedolim Who Created Movements and Shaped Our World With Gedalia Guttentag & Rabbi Ephraim Zalman Galinsky
Gedalia Guttentag is a deputy editor at Mishpacha. He studied for more than a decade in the Mir yeshiva, and is active in Jewish education.
Listen on:

Part 1: The Quiet Lion of Vilna
Part 2: Building the Chareidi World
Part 1: Restoring the Crown: Shas and Sephardi Pride
Part 2: “Maran”: The rise of a Halachic Revolutionary
The Wide-Awake Dreamer
When is a dreamer also a visionary?
Part 1: Pre-war Europe’s Youngest Rosh Yeshiva
Who built Rav Aharon, and how can we define the empire that Rav Aharon built?
Part 2: Transplanting Torah to America
How did Rav Aharon build this incredible Ir Torah from a summer zeman of 14 “bench squeezers”?