Living Higher

Rav Pam politely and firmly insisted that they pull over to tend to the baby’s needs
Rabbi Naftali Miller, National Director of Development for Agudath Israel, is also a founder of Chasdei Lev, charged with overseeing this chesed superpower. The logistics are intricate and complex, and pre-Yom Tov planning meetings for a massive food distribution are already in full swing.
Last week, during an intense videoconferencing call between vendors and the organizers of the distribution, a vendor was struggling to talk over her crying baby in the background. Rabbi Miller gently suggested that the vendor pause her presentation and tend to the baby — the others could wait.
As she gratefully went to attend to the child, Rabbi Miller shared a story with the others joining the Zoom meeting.
As a young couple, he and his wife had the opportunity to drive their revered grandfather, Torah Vodaath Rosh Yeshivah Rav Avrohom Pam, home from a wedding. During the ride, the Millers’ baby started crying, and Rav Pam suggested that they pull over to give the toddler a bottle. Rabbi Miller protested that the baby could wait until they got home — but Rav Pam politely and firmly insisted that they pull over to tend to the baby’s needs, which took priority.
Rabbi Miller’s recollection was in fact a fitting commemoration for Rav Pam’s 20th yahrtzeit on 27 Av, as we remember the concern and care of this humble gadol for even the youngest and most vulnerable among us.
(Originally featured in Mishpacha, Issue 872)
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