Latest Open Mic
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B. Cohen
Open Mic
A Pained Mourner
Open Mic
Yossi Charner
Open Mic
Another Caring Morah
Open Mic
Stephen Glicksman PhD
Vantage Point
The story behind Yat Kislev, the bitter dispute that turns brother against brother, is a painfully familiar one
Rabbi Moshe Hauer
Vantage Point
Given what happened last year and since — can our observance of this day remain unchanged?
Rabbi Moshe Hauer
Treeo Feature
Welcome to Oymyakon, the coldest town on Earth
Bashie Lisker
Treeo Feature
This is Deep Dive, Dubai, the deepest pool in the world
Bashie Lisker
Be My Guest
"Raising Torah-true children was just becoming the new frontier, so 'Vezakeini' expressed the prayer on every parent’s lips"
Riki Goldstein
Be My Guest
If you could invite one music personality into your succah this year, who would it be?
Riki Goldstein
Diary Serial
“Maybe you need to change the profile of the men you date,” I suggested gently
Rachel Burnham with Bassi Gruen
Diary Serial
Then one morning, I told myself, “The pity party is over, girl. It’s time to move on”
Rachel Burnham with Bassi Gruen
Veiled Reference Podcast
Glikl of Hameln is a familiar and beloved character to Jewish history enthusiasts. In this episode, we dive beneath the surface of Glikl’s words to deeply appreciate the forces at play for women of her era. In conversation with Professor Elisheva Carlebach. Dr. Carlebach is the Salo Wittmayer Baron Professor of Jewish History, Culture, and Society, at Columbia University.  
BONUS MINIPOD: Shabtai Zvi, Birkas Kohanim, and the Path Away from the Kosel
Tzipora Weinberg
Veiled Reference Podcast
The Silent Strength of Joanna of Burgos Joanna is a name most people won’t recognize, but her story is one for the ages. This episode describes one woman’s faith under fire, in the aftermath of the 1391 massacres in Spain, and the ways women kept their faith throughout the years of the Spanish Inquisition. In conversation with Yael Krumbein. Yael teaches European History at Touro College’s Lander College for Women in New York City and Jewish history at Bais Yaakov Machon Ora High School in Passaic, NJ   MINI-POD: The Rivash and the Chasid Yavetz on women's challenges and triumphs in Spain, 1391-1492
Tzipora Weinberg
More Open Mic
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Achdus and shalom are much harder to achieve in the personal sphere of families and friends

By Barbara Bensoussan

Open Mic

The problem with acting ethically is that you have to do it in real time

By Lori Holzman Schwartz

Open Mic

Why, I’d wonder, do I keep feeling like I must apologize for not being able to attend simchahs and social gatherings?

By Dena Mason

Open Mic

This is why I’m quite strict about using the term “specialized needs” instead of “special needs” 

By Stephen Glicksman

Open Mic

Our yeshivos are alive; Torah is alive; Yiddishkeit is alive, and your kids are there living it

By Rabbi Elchanan Erlanger

Open Mic

It is a puzzle how these boys made it as far as the year in Eretz Israel without their learning difficulties being detected

By Rabbi Nesanel Volvey Rand