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Eytan Kobre
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Eytan Kobre
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Eytan Kobre
Text Messages
Eytan Kobre
Text Messages
Eytan Kobre
We move out of our comfort zone, bemoan no-parking zones, and drive in a family no-fly zone
Marcia Stark Meth / Emmy Leah Stark Zitter / Miriam Stark Zakon
Come travel with the Sisters… you won’t even have to take off your shoes at the airport!
Marcia Stark Meth / Emmy Leah Stark Zitter / Miriam Stark Zakon
Dinner Hour
When it’s time to eat, the youngest ones eat first, followed by the older children, who drift to the table as the smells draw them in
Rochie Laufer
Dinner Hour
A meal both adults and kids alike will enjoy!
Rochie Laufer
No Fail
The contract was going to be our big break — and then it fell through
Fay Dworetsky
No Fail
I was in way over my head, yet I kept letting others down
Fay Dworetsky
Family First Feature
When your siblings are ten, fifteen, or more years older (or younger) than you, it’s an entirely different experience
Rivki Silver
Family First Feature
Four writers share stories of modern-day miracles
Family First Contributors
Build your best
When Jews do things, for better or for worse, they do them in a big way   Many people are familiar with the statement of Chazal (Sanhedrin 63b) that the Jews of earlier generations in history “knew that there is no substance to idol worship, and they engaged in it only in order to give
Sarah Faygie Berkowitz
Build your best
Read these tips, and prepare to up your cutlet game.
Sarah Faygie Berkowitz
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Not only was Rav Ruderman’s genius invested in the Avodas Levi, so was his mesirus nefesh

By Eytan Kobre

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Some subtle difference between two words for falsity

By Eytan Kobre

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Unanimity is achieved at the Supreme Court for really only two reasons

By Eytan Kobre

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The “rights we confer on others,” including animals, do indeed “define who we are as a society”

By Eytan Kobre

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My overall attitude toward reader reaction is that, good or bad, it’s all good

By Eytan Kobre

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All media outlets are “mainstream” within the universe of their target audiences

By Eytan Kobre