Family Living - Mishpacha Magazine The premier Magazine for the Jewish World Sun, 05 Jan 2025 09:43:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Family Living - Mishpacha Magazine 32 32 Living Room: Brighten the Nights Tue, 24 Dec 2024 19:00:41 +0000 Chanukah tips and tricks to make the most of these eight nights

The post Living Room: Brighten the Nights first appeared on Mishpacha Magazine.

Chanukah tips and tricks to make the most of these eight nights

Compiled by Ariella Schiller

Readers, Rejoice!

Want some adorable little gifts for the family bookworms? Penina, an avid reader, recently discovered the cutest bookmarks.

Menorah Glow-Up

If your menorah is made of metal or plastic and you need to get that red, white, and blue wax off of it, stick it in the freezer for a bit and the wax will peel right off. If it’s silver, then pour boiling water over it to get off melted wax. Boiling water will help with oil as well — just add soap.

Oopsy Daisy!

You were baking latkes and someone knocked over the oil or dropped an egg on the floor. Kitchen cleanup expert Shaindy says to pour some baking soda or cornstarch on the goopy mess. It solidifies it and makes it easier to scoop up and throw away.

Doughnut Makeover

Bought too many doughnuts for a Chanukah party and now they’ve all gone stale? Try microwaving them for ten to 15 seconds on a damp paper towel. If they’re beyond hope, slice them in half, smash them down, and fry them to make donut chips. You can also make them into French Toast, or crumble them up and add frosting or cream cheese to turn them into cake pops.

Book Bosses

By Ruchi, mother of 7

Looking for an activity for the little ones after candlelighting? Have them get into pajamas and bring their blankets downstairs for a group reading.

Benny’s Mitzvah Notes

by Marc Lumer (Hachai, 2013)

This book has easy enough language and length to make it appropriate for young readers, but mid-level readers will enjoy the story as well. Featuring entertaining illustrations and easy language, with few words but a clear lesson and a heartwarming, surprise ending.

A Chanukah Story for Night Number Three

as told to Dina Rosenfeld (Hachai, 2009)

With great rhymes that make it an easy read, this is an adorably creative story about a Chanukah birthday and the world’s biggest latke.

The Shabbos Kugel Turnaround

Miriam Ribiat (Israel Bookshop, 2018)

This is a sweet, creative book that touches on important lessons in emunah, chesed, and Hashgachah pratis — and with a great twist at the end!

Perfect Present

A match cloche captures the warmth and spirit of Chanukah, with a candle or matches to illuminate cherished mo-ments. Both economical and charming, this little gesture has the power to brighten someone’s day, any time of year.

Galit is the owner and CEO of A Perfect Present

Latke Time-Saver

Need to make your latkes ahead of time? No problem. The best way to keep them tasting fresh is to drain the oil, then spread the latkes out on an ungreased cookie sheet. Reheat on the oven’s convection setting for 7-10 minutes at 375̊  for best crispiness.

Sensory Play

Buy a bag of 50 colorful dreidels and put them into a bin. You can hide coins inside, too! Challenge the kids to color sort… or to pick out the hidden coins. Give kids mini tongs or spoons to add some extra fine motor skill practice. You can also have the kids color-sort their dreidels into different colored cups or bowls.

Avigail Zelmanowitz is an experienced morah


(Originally featured in Family First, Issue 924)

The post Living Room: Brighten the Nights first appeared on Mishpacha Magazine.

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All in Order: Simplified Joy Tue, 24 Dec 2024 19:00:09 +0000 No two homes are the same. Let the judgment fade away and experience joy in your home

The post All in Order: Simplified Joy  first appeared on Mishpacha Magazine.

                      No two homes are the same. Let the judgment fade away and experience joy in your home

Imagine an organized world. A world where shoes are tucked neatly in bedroom closets, where crackers are stacked in canisters that never topple, where hats and jackets are placed on hooks in order of size.

Ahhh... if only our homes looked and functioned like this. If only our families allowed this fantasy to become our reality. We would feel such joy.

Would we, though? What brings us real joy? I’d venture to guess that it’s not a home that maintains itself. Deep down, what we each want is a warm place where our families thrive and our individual dreams can be realized.

After organizing hundreds of homes, I’ve learned that no two clients are the same. Each woman and family have habits and lifestyles and needs and dreams to take into consideration when setting up customized systems. I take their needs into consideration primarily to make it easier for them to maintain what we’ve organized, containerized, and labeled.

Yet I’ve found it goes deeper. I’ve seen the validation in my clients’ eyes when I ask them where they prefer to keep the Play-Doh. I’ve heard the relief in their voice when we place a decorative basket in the foyer for shoes. There’s pure joy when we attach a Command hook to the closet door for the morning “thrown on for the bus stop” clothing.

The key is to appreciate the way that the client has been running her home until now. I’m not here to upend everything that she’s already created. I’m here to streamline it and make it easier for her to function within that space. Ultimately, the home will continue to be an expression of her.

Let’s look at a few areas and the variety of ways they can be systemized. Your job, dear reader, is to discern what can work for your home.

The Candy Corner

Candy displayed in matching jars and baskets invites adults and children alike to partake of the sticky goodness.

Nosh stored on a low shelf in the pantry so little tots aren’t tempted to climb or schlep stools to reach the goodies from a high shelf and because hey, maybe if they see it all the time, they won’t want it as much....

Pantry Perfection

Uniform canisters look stunning, snacks stay super fresh, and maintenance is a breeze because you truly enjoy lining up cookies in alternating concentric circles.

Decorative baskets to contain broad categories such as snacks, crackers, cereal, and nosh. Hides the disarray of mismatched boxes of cereal but since the turnaround of food in your house is just too quick, this works for you!

Toy Turbulence

Magna-Tiles lined up by shape AND by color, placed in acrylic bins, because you have the time, patience, ability, and desire to have a magnificently maintained playroom.

A toy container large enough to accommodate rows and rows of attached Clics because breaking them apart as your kids clean up isn’t on the agenda.

Have a separate Lego and Playmobil room with a door that is kept closed. At all times. No excuses.

Clothing Quandary

Stacked containers in the attic clearly labeled with clothing for the next boy or girl to be born in the family, nieces and nephews included, varying from preemie size to extra shayne coats.

Whatever can potentially fit your children within the next year stored on top of the bedroom closet, labeled “Next Season.”

Stored clothing? You don’t have any. You donate it all at the end of the season.

Stocked Up

The heavy-duty shelving in the garage is stocked to capacity with dry goods and the Costco closet off the kitchen has enough food to feed your family and multitude of guests for the next four months.

Instacart, Prime Now, and the grocery down the block are your extended pantry. You either don’t have the space to stock up or prefer to live the “less is more” lifestyle.

You store just enough to fill the upper shelves on the kitchen cabinets and have a spare shampoo or two because you DO go to the grocery every week and since Covid, there’s been no shortage of staples!


Your home is your castle — it’s a unique expression of your individuality. Accept yourself for who you are and set up your spaces with your unique interests in mind, taking your strengths and weaknesses into consideration. No two homes are the same. Let the judgment fade away and experience joy in your home.


(Originally featured in Family First, Issue 924)

The post All in Order: Simplified Joy  first appeared on Mishpacha Magazine.

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The Essentials of Essential Oils Tue, 10 Dec 2024 19:00:06 +0000 Using essential oils requires some knowledge, but once you get the hang of it, they’re a pleasure to use

The post The Essentials of Essential Oils   first appeared on Mishpacha Magazine.

Using essential oils requires some knowledge, but once you get the hang of it, they’re a pleasure to use

Maybe you’ve heard about essential oils, but don’t know much about them. Or you started exploring the topic, and felt overwhelmed by the staggering amount of information out there. While the world of essential oils feels huge, have no fear. Using essential oils requires some knowledge, but once you get the hang of it, they’re a pleasure to use


What are essential oils?

Essential oils are plant-based oils found in any part of a plant — bark, leaves, or petals. These highly concentrated pockets of oil are extracted through steam or pressure. This is where the term “essential oils” comes from — the oils were thought to capture the essence of the plant from which they were derived.

These oils have been used since the dawn of time for a variety of purposes ranging from cosmetic to healing. Even today, essential oils are thought to have healing properties, with research suggesting they can reduce inflammation, modulate immune function, and release muscle spasms. Other studies suggest they can improve memory and sleep, as well as relieve some symptoms of anxiety and depression.

While promising, most of the current scientific research is inconclusive. Still, essential oils are pleasurable and luxurious to use, and people who use them often see positive results.

Which oils should I use?

There are more than 200 essential oils, each with their own unique properties, making it hard to choose only a few to start with. The ones listed here are among the ones most commonly used. Start with a few basic oils and slowly build your collection over time.

Before purchasing any oil, become familiar with the oil’s healing profile to make sure it matches what you’re looking for.

Essential oils can be expensive because of the enormous amount of plant material it requires to produce just a few milliliters. Many brands offer a starter kit, which is often an excellent cash value, and many kits include blends of different essential oils. This eliminates the need to purchase many individual oils.

If you’re on any medications or under a doctor’s care for any reason, please consult with a medical expert before using any essential oil.

If You Had to Choose Only Three, Start with These:

Lavender is incredibly versatile. Calming and soothing, it has been found to be effective for insomnia, anxiety, headaches, wound healing, and burns.

May cause drowsiness.


Effective for a wide variety of complaints. It can ease stomach ailments such as IBS and heartburn, alleviates nausea, relieve cold and cough symptoms, and alleviate muscle pain. It can also be used to boost alertness.

Avoid if expecting or nursing.


Lemon oil can be used to treat symptoms of respiratory infections, calm nausea, soothe headaches, and boost concentration.

All citrus essential oils cause photosensitivity; they make the user sensitive to the sun and more susceptible to sunburns. Keep this in mind when you use lemon oil.

The post The Essentials of Essential Oils   first appeared on Mishpacha Magazine.

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Budget Wise Tue, 26 Nov 2024 19:00:15 +0000 Tips & tricks for making your money stretch further

The post Budget Wise first appeared on Mishpacha Magazine.

Tips & tricks for making your money stretch further

Sales Savvy

We’re about to head into sales season. And while it’s tempting to jump on those big discounts, you still need to be cautious. Retailers often hike prices ahead of time so they can mark them “down” during the sale season!

Did you know that influencers often earn a commission from the links they share? That’s why we advise you to double-check to ensure it’s really the best deal before you buy something via an influencer’s link.



Three great tools to help you find a real deal:
  1. PriceBlink Chrome Extension

PriceBlink is a handy Chrome extension that searches other online stores and displays for any better deals or available coupons. It’s basically a built-in price-checker that ensures you’re getting the best price without having to bounce between websites.

  1. Rakuten (Cash-back App)

Rakuten is a cash-back app that rewards you for shopping through its site or app, and with major retailers like Walmart and Target on board, you can often earn up to ten percent back. During sales season, Rakuten tends to increase these rewards, so you get an even bigger kickback on things you’d buy anyway. Just make sure you start your shopping trip through Rakuten, and you’ll see the cash-back rewards added to your account, which they’ll send to you by check or PayPal.


If you’ve got specific items on your wish list, is a great site to use. It pulls together all the Black Friday and Cyber Monday ads from major stores, letting you compare deals on the exact items you want. You can plan ahead, avoid impulse buys, and make sure you’re really getting the lowest price for what you need.

Faigy Rabinowitz, shopper extraordinaire, shares:

“If you’re purchasing a luxury brand item, consider looking at European-based websites. They often offer current season styles at lower prices compared to US-based retailers. And shop with us at because we’re in the know about the current sales and have already done the groundwork for you (shameless plug).”


Budget Beauty

Struggling with acne? Your friendly neighborhood CVS or Target carries Differin adapalene gel 0.1% acne treatment, which is an over-the-counter product to try. You can also find generic brands of adapalene gel 0.1% on Amazon, which are even cheaper than Differin.

How do you use adapalene gel?

First, only use it at night, never during the day. Cleanse your face. Ideally, after patting dry, allow your skin to air-dry for a few minutes. Then apply a basic moisturizer, like CeraVe or Cetaphil Moisturizing Lotion (I get mine in a two-pack at Costco), followed by a pea-sized amount of adapalene gel. This is vital. Don’t go overboard by slathering it on. Then top with another layer of moisturizer. During the day, diligently apply SPF, since the adapalene can make skin sensitive to sunlight.

It can take a few weeks to see results. Additionally, there may be a “purge period,” where latent acne and blackheads will come to the surface, so your skin may look worse before it gets better. But it will get better. Really better. Stick with it, be consistent, and trust the process!

Lea Pavel

Oldies and Goodies

New gadgets always go on sale at this time of year, but when you shop for electronics, don’t forget about the older versions. Older headphones, cameras, or laptops may do the job just as well — and be even cheaper than the shiny new item being offered on sale.

Shop Safe

Spending money on sales is one thing — losing money to a scammer is quite another. Last year, Americans lost over $95 million to scammers during end-of-year sales. AI’s made it easier than ever for criminals to defraud innocent shoppers. Some ways to keep safe: If you get an email or text about a deal, don’t click the link — go to the website instead. If you haven’t heard of a retailer before, search for reviews before placing any orders. And shop with a credit card, which offers more protection against fraud than other payment methods.


(Originally featured in Family First, Issue 920)

The post Budget Wise first appeared on Mishpacha Magazine.

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Quick Fix Tue, 19 Nov 2024 19:00:48 +0000 Tips and tricks that are short on time but big on impact

The post Quick Fix first appeared on Mishpacha Magazine.

Tips and tricks that are short on time but big on impact

Fresh in Fifteen

Have you ever imagined what life would be like if you could just snap your fingers and all misplaced items would magically go back to where they belonged? Sadly, only Mary Poppins can pull that off.

But if you break it into manageable steps, you can tackle even the messiest of rooms in 15 minutes. Let’s take your living room or den after a long Sunday when all the kids were home and bored.

Remove all items from all surfaces, including the couch (and under it), coffee tables, and end tables. (So that’s where that shoe went!) I like to use a laundry basket to gather all the items, especially those that don’t belong in that room.

Once the floor and other surfaces are cleared, the room seems easier to tackle. Now you can vacuum or wash the floors, wipe down any furniture with a damp microfiber cloth, fluff the pillows, and refold any throws. Before leaving a room that you clean, make sure to wipe down the light switches and door handles.

Now all you have left is to walk around the house with your laundry basket and return all  items to their respective places.

The Balabusta Boss

Quick Curl

With curls, every day’s a new adventure!  Curly wigs are so low maintenance… or wait, are they high maintenance?

Everyone wishes her wig required zero maintenance, but like all heads of hair, curly wigs will require a bit of love. There are some great products out there, but too much of anything is never a good thing. Ask your sheitelmacher which products are best for your wig; don’t use anything too heavy or sticky. Here are some quick tips to keep your curls looking natural without getting too wild.

  • Buy yourself a water-misting spray bottle (Amazon’s finest).
    Mousse, curl cream, and leave-in conditioner all have to be used while the hair is damp.
  • Brush your wig, then spray and scrunch, spray and scrunch. Each scrunch is a sort of squeeze to the hair, not a brush through. Keep in mind that running your fingers through the curls will cause the natural curl to separate.
  • Curls feeling a bit wild? Spray a bit of water, then scrunch and hold each section of the sheitel from the bottom for about five seconds.
  • Consider laying your sheitel on your dresser, not placing it on a sheitel head, to reduce fluff.
  • If you really need to reset the curl, fully soak the wig, brush it, then run it through with some mousse. Hold the wig up with your hand, and squeeze and hold the hair while setting the mousse.

Tzipora Ehrman, Wigs by Tzipora

Photo Finish

Remember those days when we printed photos? When children’s school portraits were ordered in a variety of sizes, adorable cake smash pictures were blown up larger than life, and family vacations were documented by different trails and hikes?

You may still have a couple of boxes full of 4 x 6s, a couple 11 x 14s, and all the sizes in between. You’d love to have these photographs organized, accessible, and cherished, but alas, it’s a daunting, time-consuming project.

Here’s a fun and fast way to tackle it. Choose a container such as the Iris Deep Document Case. Lay out a few containers, each marked with a Post-it. You can separate the photos by year (2012, 2013, etc.), by range of years (2018–2020), by person (Zevi, Bassy), or even by event (Covid quarantine, Shlomy’s bris, Disney vacation).

Keep sorting directly into the cases, adding more categories or combining some together as you work. You can pause mid-project by closing and stacking the cases and continue later. Your hard work is being maintained and there’s no pressure to complete the project in one sitting. Once done, you can use a labeler to label the edge of the cases and give it that pro look. The best part is the walk down memory lane in the process.

Ruthie of Simplifized

Wine Away

Imean, we’ve all been there. We’ve opted out of the plastic tablecloth because it looks classier this way — think china on cloth, gleaming silver — plus, we have amnesia, apparently. And then, yup, that overflowing Kiddush cup, well, overflows.

Thanks to Esti for sharing this product that removes splatters in seconds when Motzaei Shabbos comes.


Paint Refresh

Don’t you love it when your home is newly painted? It looks so pristine and welcoming... until those inevitable scuffs, stains, and scribbles show up. But freshening up doesn’t mean waiting for a new paint job! The roller brush repair kit makes those fixes easy.


(Originally featured in Family First, Issue 919)

The post Quick Fix first appeared on Mishpacha Magazine.

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Get Your Home Back in Shape Tue, 29 Oct 2024 19:00:17 +0000 Post Yom Tov, it’s time to clean up, organize, and whip your home back into shape!

The post Get Your Home Back in Shape first appeared on Mishpacha Magazine.

Post Yom Tov, it’s time to clean up, organize, and whip your home back into shape!

Compiled by Ariella Schiller

Out of the Box

When shopping for furniture or other big-ticket items on Wayfair or Amazon, consider checking if they have the same item available in an open box. These items are usually returns in perfect condition and are sold at significantly lower prices.

Faigy Rabinowitz is a shopper extraordinaire for Metziahs, a frum deals site.

For the Foodies

Leaky mixer? If your Bosch is leaking and there’s dough in the hole under the mixer, replacing two rubber pieces (the steel bowl drive pin gasket and the bushing gasket) is a cheap and easy fix that’ll make all the difference.

Tip submitted by Liba Bauminger.

Shape Up

If you’re like me and hate being locked into color choices for kashrus reasons (yes, my fleishig set is blue) — here’s a great tip straight from the Mishpacha watercooler.

Skip the colors and choose a shape:

Make your fleishig tupperware all rectangle and your milchig all round and you’ll never need to worry about colors again.

Eat It or Wear It

Tell me you had spaghetti for lunch without telling me you had spaghetti for lunch… just look at my five-year-old’s shirt. How is it even possible to miss your mouth that many times?

Never fear, Messy Eater Spray is here.

Tip submitted by Hadassah.

Power Through It

There are lots of pots these days, and lots of accidental burnt bits. I accidentally bought this on Amazon a few months ago, and it quickly made its way to my subscribe and save. It’s super effective for soaking pots and getting off burnt on bits without much elbow grease. (The lemon scent is amazing!)

3 Gs

In order to declutter properly, you need to know what your options are for the items you encounter. It’s helpful to establish categories beforehand to keep focused. As you take each item out of the drawer/closet/bin, ask yourself, “Do I want to keep this?” If the answer is yes, great. Make a “keepers pile” and you’ll find a home for it later. If the answer is no, I like to offer the 3 G’s as options: Gemach, Garbage or Genizah. Bring three garbage bags and fill them appropriately.

And once we’re on the topic of genizah, boy, can it cause chaos and confusion in our homes. Does a picture of a rav go into genizah? Is my son’s parshah sheet sheimos? When you’re unsure where items belong, they often drift from place to place, finally getting stuffed into a drawer only to emerge as Pesach rolls around. Ask your rav your genizah questions so that you’re not unnecessarily jamming papers into your bulging sheimos pile. And know your genizah options. Where’s the closest drop-off? Can I assign this job to a child? A spouse? Is there someone in my family who regularly passes by these areas? Maybe it’s you, and sticking the bag in your car is all you need to encourage you to get it done.

Dvora Henner is a home organizer and life coach, who coaches women in time management and concerns related to home organization.


(Originally featured in Family First, Issue 916)

The post Get Your Home Back in Shape first appeared on Mishpacha Magazine.

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Keep It Simple Tue, 20 Jun 2023 18:00:25 +0000 If you’re anything like us, you’re bound to get overwhelmed by all the stuff your kids deem as “important”

The post Keep It Simple first appeared on Mishpacha Magazine.

If you’re anything like us, you’re bound to get overwhelmed by all the stuff your kids deem as “important”

Hey, mommylifesquad fam!

School is almost out! Yay! Or nay?

What’s for sure is that the kids will be coming home with just about everything in their lives plus some extra. If you’re anything like us, you’re bound to get overwhelmed by all the stuff your kids deem as “important.”

Don’t stress; we’ve got you covered with this mommy hack.

Step 1: Assess and Sort:

When your kids walk through the door on their last day, gather everything and embark on a sorting odyssey. As you sift through textbooks, notebooks, folders, and supplies, you’re going to assign each category a different bin.

Step 2: Donate, Reuse, or Toss:

Encourage your kids to participate in the decision-making process as you determine what can be passed on to others, what you would like to reuse, and what you want to say goodbye to. It may take time; take a deep breath, grab a coffee, and try to make this a fun bonding experience with your child.

Step 3: Create an Archive:

Reserve a special place in your home where you can store all your kids’ treasures. Label a bin with the word “keepsake” so your kids can always refer back to it for personal memories. You can choose to have one bin per child or you can store all of their goodies in one bin.

Organizing and storing these mementos will not only help keep things clutter-free, it’ll also create a tangible reminder of your child’s growth and accomplishments. (Until you toss it all out for good, but don’t tell your kids about that!)

Step 4: Digitalize and Back Up:

It might sound intimidating, but it’s worth using technology to capture standout projects, remarkable artwork, and valued assignments by photographing or scanning them. Safeguard these treasures digitally so you can enjoy them for years to come.

If you’re feeling ambitious, try scanning or photographing your kids’ projects, uploading them onto Snapfish, and creating a photobook. This saves a lot of space and preserves your children’s work at the same time.

Step 5: Prepare for Next Year:

Label another bin as “leftover school supplies.” Put all the working markers, glue sticks, pencils, etc., into this bin; it will save you time and money when it’s time to order new school supplies.

Implementing these tips can not only save you time and reduce stress, but will hopefully also instill lifelong habits of tidiness and reflection in our children.

Remember, as one academic year comes to a close, another chapter of your child’s extraordinary story begins. Embrace the journey, celebrate their milestones, and look forward to a summer filled with joy, growth, and shared memories.

—Tikva Braum and Rena Kohengadol


Sneak Peek

It’s nice to encourage kids to reflect on and share their experiences, and the end of the school year is a great opportunity. This short list of thought-provoking questions can give you a peek into their world.

  • One word to describe the school year
  • Best thing you did for someone else this year
  • The time you laughed hardest this year
  • Most memorable day of this year
  • Best advice you received this year
  • An achievement you’re proud of from this year
Laundry List

Question: I have a white children’s dress with red trim and the red bled into the dress. How can I get it out?

A: Try a Q-tip with some dish washing detergent (liquid Cascade Complete) on the spots. Work your way from the edge of the stain to the middle. Once you’ve gotten the stain out, repeat with water to wash the chemicals out.

—Balabusta boss

Exercise Skincare

Every part of you benefits when you exercise, including your skin. But there are still dos and don’ts for before and after.

Before: It’s a good idea to clean off makeup before exercising. If you want to use moisturizer, use a light formulation; thick creams prevent sweat from evaporating and cooling you down.

And if I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a bazillion times: Use SUNSCREEN! (Even if you don’t plan to step foot outdoors, windows don’t filter out the sun.) Want to argue that you’re inside and it’s cloudy? UVA rays can still reach you. Not to mention computer and phone screens emit blue light, which can also damage skin.

Bottom line: There’s no way out of it; use SPF!

During: If you’re working out in a gym or other communal space, try not to touch your face. These environments are filled with bacteria.

After: First, wash your hands, and then wash your face. Immediately. All that sweat and oil has got to go. Don’t use harsh cleansers, as post-workout skin is delicate. Cleansers with either salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide can help prevent breakouts. If face washing isn’t an option, a makeup wipe or micellar water with a cotton round will do until a proper facial cleansing is possible.

Sweating and facial washing dehydrates skin, so moisturize.

If the workout was in the morning, follow with your regular morning skin routine. Meaning, SPF again. Whatever was applied before is gone.

—Lea Pavel

Coming Clean

Lestoil is one of my favorite cleansers. Forget scented candles and diffusers; I love the clean smell of Lestoil. Originally developed in 1933 for use in commercial laundries, it’s strong enough to remove all sorts of difficult laundry stains, including paint, grease, blood, ink, and lipstick.

And it’s not only for laundry. This multipurpose cleanser can be used to clean floors, toys, outdoor furniture, and sneaker soles. It’s especially good at removing that grimy stickiness that sometimes adheres to plastic.

Just be careful, because it’s really strong. Test fabric before treating, and don’t use at full strength for painted, wood, and laminate surfaces.

—Esther Shaindy Leshkowitz

Travel Rush

Are you going to be traveling through an airport this summer? And renting a car? That last stretch in the airport when you need to get from the car rental to the terminal while you’re running late can set anyone’s nerves on edge.

Take an Uber! It can save a ton of time and will usually only cost a few dollars.

Getting Ahead?

Q: If I’m not home and I don’t have a sheitel head handy, what should I do? Why is it so important that I use a head? Can I just put my wig down on any flat surface?

A: Full disclosure: I leave my wig on my dresser all the time! But do as I say and not as I do, because it does make a difference. If you want your sheitel perfectly set a certain way, you do need to use a sheitel head, because the roundness of the head is similar to the shape of a person’s head.

That being said, you can still travel light. Random items you can find in any hotel room or home can easily replace sheitel heads.

If you have a wig with lace, be careful not to use a head that is too wide or too large, because you don’t want to stretch the lace.

—Tzipora Ehrman, Wigs by Tzipora


(Originally featured in Family First, Issue 848)

The post Keep It Simple first appeared on Mishpacha Magazine.

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Family Living: Issue 817 Tue, 08 Nov 2022 18:00:04 +0000 Get your winter gear in gear

The post Family Living: Issue 817 first appeared on Mishpacha Magazine.

Get your winter gear in gear


Chill Factor

(Try saying that five times fast!) Here are mommylifesquad’s top three hacks to prepare for the winter season.

  1. Does leaving the house take double the time because you need to find your kids’ winter gear before they run out? The nifty Univivi Over Door Hanging Organizer Storagefrom Amazon has compartments you can designate for each member of your family. Hang it in the coat closet, and you’ll be good to go.
  2. Freezing hands and feet? The OCOOPA Rechargeable Portable Pocket Hand Warmers will fit in your coat pocket or boots, and will stay warm for up to six hours!
  3. Do your kids think their gloves are disposable? Never lose kids’ gloves again. Try the Resinta Kids mitten clips that come attached to a super-long elastic (available on Amazon). Thread the elastic through the first sleeve and out the second and the gloves will stay put.

—Rena Kohengadol & Tikva Braum


By a Strand
Question: I loved the ironed look on my wig, but I feel like it cuts the sheitel’s lifetime in half. Is that true?
Answer: Your wig can handle the occasional flat-iron treatment with no problem, but ironing it yourself on a daily basis is a no-no. If you do want to straighten it yourself once in a blue moon, take the following precautions:
  1. Make sure your wig is completely brushed out with no knots whatsoever.
  2. Spray a drop of heat-protectant spray and go over it gently and quickly.
  3. Remember, too much heat is never a good thing.

One thing you want to avoid is flat-ironing an older wig or one with split ends, because then you see all the blunt, burnt edges. Curling can easily cover that up, though.

—Tziporah Ehrman


Tried and True 

When I was a kid, hydrogen peroxide was the go-to treatment for scrapes. I hated how the scrape would bubble and burn when the stuff was applied, and tried my best to stay far away. By now some studies have shown that hydrogen peroxide actually irritates skin cells and can cause more harm than good, so my kids are safe! But it’s still a great item to have on hand for other uses.

Canker sores are a pain. Apply a bit of hydrogen peroxide to a Q-tip and hold it on the sore, and it will take the edge off.

Cold got you down? Irrigate your nose with a solution of water and hydrogen peroxide to help cure a cold.

Hydrogen peroxide can get blood out of a white shirt. Pour it on, watch it sizzle, and the stain should start to disappear.

Dealing with bedwetting? Rub a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda over the mattress to get rid of any lingering odor.

Sponges… those great breeding grounds for germs. Disinfect them with hydrogen peroxide. Sprinkle some onto wet kitchen sponges and let it sit for about 15 minutes. Then squeeze out and rinse.

Bathroom tile grout never really looks white? Create a paste using baking soda and hydrogen peroxide. Apply to the grout, and let it sit overnight.

Soften calluses on your feet. Soak your feet in a basin filled with a mixture of equal parts water and hydrogen peroxide. This can also help with athlete’s foot.


Keep in mind: Hydrogen peroxide is a chemical substance, and needs to be used with care. Too much of it in or on your skin can kill good bacteria in addition to the bad bacteria you’re aiming to eliminate.


Pick a Lock

We were struggling for so long with a lock that was so difficult to turn, until I finally googled it. Turns out graphite works magic on stuck locks, and this $7.00 tube from Home Depot comes with a tip that fits right into the key hole. It took care of the problem in about five minutes.


Stick with Us

Goo Gone is a top-ranking product in so many homes. Now it has a little sister! Goo Gone On the Go ($6.50 on Amazon) comes in pen form; just the right shape to keep handy in small places like cars and junk drawers to remove sticky messes.



You can easily repair holes in down coats using a patch. Pimoys Self-Adhesive Patches are available for purchase on Amazon. Make sure you keep as much of the down or stuffing inside as possible, and clear the opening to the rip. Then press down on the adhesive patch, and you’re done! A tear can also be fixed using a needle and thread, using a fabric patch under the rip.


Best Blush for Women over 40

Does it matter which blush you use? Yes. For starters, you want to stop using powder blush and start using cream blush. Powdered blush gathers in skin creases and accentuates fine lines and wrinkles. Second, take it easy with the application. If you did put on too much, apply a little BB cream (or any tinted moisturizer) over the blush to mellow the color. Third, try to focus on the upper cheekbone part of your cheek as opposed to the apple of your cheek. Some people like using a smaller brush to achieve this effect.


Product Preferences:

NARS Liquid Blush is a favorite. You can even gently rub it in with your fingertips.

Bobbi Brown Pot Rouge is known to last a very long time.

Burt’s Bees All Aglow is a great drugstore option. It comes as a stick that can multitask and be used as eyeshadow and lipstick as well.

Revlon Photo Ready Cream Blush is another drugstore blush that can be purchased on Amazon as well. It’s very smooth and creamy, and you only need to use a tiny bit.


Of Pots, Pans, and Stains
How do I get the stains out from the interior and exterior of my pots? 
Answer: Believe it or not, trusty baking soda and vinegar made into a paste works well on pots and frying pans. It not only cleans, it also restores the shine. For pots with very heavy stains, leave them overnight with a generous amount of the baking soda and vinegar paste. Then, using a scouring pad or steel wool, scrub in circular motions to clean.

For stubborn burnt-on grease, sprinkle on a generous amount of baking soda. Pour vinegar over that, and add a squirt of Dawn dishwashing liquid and a bit of water. Bring this solution to a boil. Using a wooden spoon or rubber spatula, gently scrape the bottom of the pot until all the grease is loosened. Wash as usual.

For sheet pans, I like to use Gefen Soap pads. With a little elbow grease, they’ll look brand new again.

Barkeepers Friend is a product every kitchen should have! It works really well on stained pots, pans, and sheet pans, too.


(Originally featured in Family First, Issue 817)

The post Family Living: Issue 817 first appeared on Mishpacha Magazine.

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Bite the Bullet Tue, 19 Jul 2022 18:00:57 +0000 The first thing to do is a don’t do — do not scratch a mosquito bite within the first few minutes after being bitten

The post Bite the Bullet   first appeared on Mishpacha Magazine.

The first thing to do is a don’t do — do not scratch a mosquito bite within the first few minutes after being bitten

All bug bites are different, and each person reacts differently to them. The first thing to do is a don’t do — do not scratch a mosquito bite within the first few minutes after being bitten, because that will cause the bite to spread.

Here are a few products that will soothe most mosquito bites:

Aveeno Anti-Itch cream: Aveeno makes an anti-itch cream with cortisone and one without. Both do the job. $10.00 on Amazon

Mint-flavored toothpaste: This isn’t just a camp hack, it really helps. It’s the menthol ingredient that halts the itching, so don’t try this with bubble-gum flavored toothpaste.

Benadryl Extra Strength Itch Cooling Spray: We use this product liberally every summer. $7.00 on Amazon or in pharmacies.

Bites also benefit from ice; the cold reduces swelling and irritation.

If you have a bite from an unknown source, and it seems to be growing, draw a line around it with a pen so you can track it, and if need be, get it checked by a doctor.

Sticky Situations

I’ve always been a huge fan of Goo-Gone. It’s one of the best products out there for removing the residue from stickers. I use it all the time on items that need to be toiveled. Recently, I discovered the pen form. It’s great for gum, stains, and crayon. Just be careful not to use it on granite or stone; I made that mistake, and the finish was never the same.

Goo Gone on the Go: $4.89 on Amazon.

Similar product: Scotch Sticker and Marker Remover $13.00 on Amazon.

Did You Hear?

Do you spend far too many mornings running to the doctor’s office with children tugging at their ears? Tylenol created the SmartCheck Digital Ear Scope. It’s an otoscope on a clamp that attaches to your phone so you can take a video of the inside of a child’s ear.  The video can then be sent to a doctor so he can determine if the child has an ear infection. It’s recommended for children over a year, but you can ask your doctor about using it for babies aged six to twelve months.

$79.99 at Walmart, Target, and many pharmacies.

Fire Away

Firepits are always fun. Imagine if you could color the flames and watch them dance colorfully and magically for around an hour. Enter Magic Flames. Throw an unopened package into the fire and the flames will change color, putting on a show for you. While this is sure to delight kids, use caution, and be sure they’re at a safe distance from the flames.

$9.98 for a ten-pack on Amazon.

On the Move

Moving? Here are some tips to streamline the packing process:

  1. Organize and pack at the same time. If you want to corral items into containers, use them in place of boxes. Large containers, smaller bins, and under-the-bed bins are all good ideas.
  2. Color code your boxes by room. Buy colorful washi tape, or used colored markers on white stickers. For more clarity, number them as well, e.g. yellow is the kitchen, box 48 is milchig pots.
  3. Keep a master list of what’s in each box — and make sure not to pack it!
  4. Saran Wrap your breakables. Wrap your plates tightly together in a few layers of plastic wrap, and then place carefully in a padded box.
How many boxes?

If you’re moving from a…

One-bedroom house: 20 –40 boxes

Two-bedroom house: 40 – 60 boxes

Three-bedroom house: 80 – 100 boxes

You’ll likely need 50 percent medium boxes (for heavy compact items), 20 percent large boxes (for bulky items that are medium weight), 30 percent extra-large boxes (for large, bulky, lightweight items).

Banish Summer Stains

Every season has its own stains — and summer brings a plethora of stubborn ones. Fear not, we’ve got you covered!

Grass stains: The ones that only seem to happen to your kid’s favorite pair of Shabbos pants! Mix equal parts baking soda and hydrogen peroxide with a few drops of dish soap and soak the clothing in that solution for a few hours. Wash as normal.

Bloody noses and skinned knees are par for the course during summer months. Here’s the best way to get bloodstains out of clothing: First soak the item in cold water. Then mix one part Borax with three parts water.  Dip a clean cloth into the mixture and gently dab at the bloodstain until it’s gone. Wash as normal.

I’m sure you have all encountered the ever-dreaded cherry stains. First run the garment under cold water. Then make a paste of three parts baking soda to one part water and apply as thickly as possible to the stain. Let it sit for at least 15 minutes to dry. Using lukewarm water, rinse the paste off. Before washing the item in the machine, rub a few drops of detergent directly onto the stain.

Last but most definitely not least, mud stains! First, use a dull knife to scrape off as much of the mud as possible. The less mud that penetrates into the fibers of the clothing, the more chance you have of removing the stains. Mud reacts well to most laundry pretreatments, such as Oxi Clean or De-solv-it. Spray the item of clothing on both sides, making sure to completely soak the stain in the solution. Let sit for half hour before washing on the hottest temperature recommended for that item.

Always make sure to check the item once it’s washed to ensure that the stains are removed, since putting a stained item in the dryer sets the stain, making it almost impossible to remove.

Tip: If you are out of the house and won’t be near your cleaning supplies for a while, pour some Coca-Cola on the stain. It works like magic.

–Balabusta Boss


(Originally featured in Family First, Issue 802)

The post Bite the Bullet   first appeared on Mishpacha Magazine.

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Comfy Car Rides Mon, 11 Apr 2022 19:00:14 +0000 Here are some products I recently discovered that can make the trip smoother

The post Comfy Car Rides first appeared on Mishpacha Magazine.

Here are some products I recently discovered that can make the trip smoother
Comfy Car Rides

We’ve spent many hours with the kids in the car over the years. Here are some products I recently discovered that can make the trip smoother.

We often schedule our long rides with some daytime hours and some nighttime hours so we can have some quiet while the younger kids sleep. This pillow will help avoid that dreaded crick in the neck.
INFANZIA Kids Chin Supporting Travel Neck Pillow
$17 on Amazon


This relatively inexpensive purchase will keep kids from complaining about their seat belts and is ultimately safer.
R HORSE 4Pack Seatbelt Pillow Seat Belt Covers for Kids
$18 for 2 sets


I can’t be the only one who makes a resolution to keep my car clean forever after cleaning it out so thoroughly for Pesach. This combination trash can/storage container will help.
HOTOR Car Trash Can
$11 on Amazon


For really long drives use this organizer to keep all of your child’s paraphernalia in easy reach, no matter how old they are. It’s great for big kids who bring an MP3 player, a book, and a flash light, and little kids who bring coloring supplies and little toys.
ONE PIX Backseat Car Organizer Mats
$13 on Amazon


For kids who like having a surface for coloring, or reading, or even eating a snack, this backseat organizer can be very helpful.
Kids Backseat Travel Tray Organizer
$30 on Amazon


Tons of Toys

If you’ll be hosting lots of kids this Yom Tov, there will likely be lots of filling your play room around the clock. Here’s a way to make some order out of the madness. It takes a few minutes of prep — try to get a bigger kid to set it up for you — but it’s well worth it.

Make a chart with two columns. Each of the kids’ names should be in the left column and a blank box on the right of each name with a small piece of Velcro in the middle of the box. Then, write each of the toys in your playroom on a strip of paper with a piece of Velcro on the back of them (OK, maybe not each one, but do it for the popular toys).

When each kid takes out a toy, they should put the strip with the name of the toy next to their name. If there are lots of little kids, put the oldest child in charge of the chart.

The benefits of this are twofold. First, you know who took out each toy when it comes time for clean-up so you don’t have a chorus of “it wasn’t me!” The second is that they’ll have to clean up the first toy before switching to a new one.

The post Comfy Car Rides first appeared on Mishpacha Magazine.

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