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Rivki Rabinowitz
Family Room
Aeden Farkas and Rivki Rabinowitz
Family Room
Rivki Rabinowitz
Family Room
Leia Whitman Karoly
Family Room
Family Room Contributors
Eye on Europe
To understand the turmoil facing French democracy, we spoke with French political analyst Jean-Yves Camus
Yaacov Lipszyc
Eye on Europe
One of the most controversial and consequential laws in modern history
Y. Davis
Shul with a View
Ephraim’s weekly presence at my Shabbos table did much more for me than it did for him
Rabbi Ron Yitzchok Eisenman
Shul with a View
With the hindsight of almost 60 years, I realize with sharp clarity how insightful and prescient my mother was
Rabbi Ron Yitzchok Eisenman
Teen Fiction
Honestly, I felt the world had enough color in it, and didn’t need me messing up its palette
Miriam Bodner
Teen Fiction
We were the picture-perfect family, Mommy, Daddy, and me
Aliza Field
In the vast world of online furniture shopping, our contributors share their favorite rapid-fire tips to minimize the overwhelm. Auction Websites Familiarize yourself with auction websites, Facebook Marketplace, and your local vintage furniture spots. Wayfair Wayfair has a feature that allows you to virtually view the product in your room. Use it! Swatches Order swatches
Rabbi Dovid M. Cohen
It’s extremely awkward for me to write this question to a women’s magazine, but for various reasons, I can’t go for help, and the lack of real respect and deeper connection in my home bothers me terribly,
Bassi Gruen
Pesach Without Pressure
Windex — it’s all about happy Jews and Windex.
Bracha Stein
Pesach Without Pressure
If you’re getting frustrated, you’re probably spring-cleaning
Bracha Stein
More Family Room
Family Room

lCeaning the bathroom will never make it to anyone’s Top Ten Enjoyable Chores list. Or even the Top Five. But at least we can make this totally nonenjoyable chore super effective with the following products. 1. O-Cedar Scrunge A dense cellulose sponge with an abrasive side in the form of a three-dimensional scrubber. For those

By Ariella Schiller

Family Room

The lessons don’t reveal themselves until afterwards. It would seem, when reading an editor’s letter (So poignant! So anecdotal!), that the author lives her life in constant reflection, introspection, redirection. And maybe she does. Sometimes. In reality, a timely story or memory will come to mind as we’re pulling together an issue, and when putting

By Rivki Rabinowitz

Family Room

It can be so exciting to decorate or renovate your child’s bedroom. The bedroom is a place to relax and unwind, but it can also serve as so much more than that. Before you jump in, consider the ideas below to enhance the experience and create a room that will truly allow your child to

By Cirri Shafran

Family Room

What do your children really want their rooms to look like? We posed this question to a diverse group of young ones: “If you could decorate your room, what would it look like?” Here are their responses. “A multi-story dollhouse with tunnels and elevators so that a train carrying all my favorite Beanie Babies can

By Leia Whitman Karoly

Family Room

A while ago, I took a class from Rebbetzin Sima Spetner on parenting and integrated many of her methodologies into my process. Hoping I am paraphrasing this properly, she mentions that a good way to avoid sibling rivalry is by actually stating the differences between each child, instead of trying to equate them or treat

By Rivki Rabinowitz

Family Room

Photography by Saraizel Senderovits This simple DIY, inspired by Josef Albers’s iconic and colorful piece, “Homage to the Square,” allows children to explore different color and shape combinations. It shows how different juxtapositions of form and hue affect the viewer’s perception and emotions. This can be hung in a child’s room for a whimsical art piece,

By Leora Farber