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Every Soul a World
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Every Soul a World
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Every Soul a World
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Every Soul a World
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Every Soul a World
Mishpacha Contributors
Stick a pin in the phonebook. See where it lands. Make the call. Does everyone have a story? Five writers find out
Musia Slavin
Stick a pin in the phonebook. See where it lands. Make the call. Does everyone have a story? Five writers find out
Esther Kurtz
Quick Q
"There would be no more clock. I belonged to the chassidim” R   abbi Leibel Groner, the sentry standing watch at the door of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, was loyal and devoted, matching the Rebbe’s superhuman schedule. Somehow, along with the duties as gabbai in a worldwide network of chassidim and institutions, he was also a
Quick Q
What happened to a trusted sibling or friend?
Tech Talk
The demands on the modern-day religious woman pull her in 30 different directions at all times. We move on to the next task without finishing the first
Aliza Feder
Tech Talk
I researched until I felt like I had an accurate grasp of the studies and concerns. And I came to the conclusion that tackling this topic directly is important — and impossible.
Aliza Feder
The Other Side of the Counter
One Husband’s Tips on How to Really Help Your Wife in the Kitchen
Simcha Cohen
Summer Job
Those short jobs that helped shape and mold the adults we are today
Mishpacha Contributors
Summer Job
Waitressing required a completely different skill set than passing AP exams and Regents
Barbara Bensoussan
More Every Soul a World
Every Soul a World

“When Willie speaks, he takes away your free choice with his powers of persuasion”

By Riki Goldstein

Every Soul a World

Surely back at the side of his Rebbe once again

By Mishpacha Contributors