Latest Fruits of Kindness
Fruits of Kindness
Family First Readers
Theme Section: Open Secrets
So many of us carry secrets — some heavy, some light. Some that mean nothing, and some that change everything. Six writers tell stories of secrets kept, shared, and revealed
Family First Contributors
Kitchen Encounters
It turns out that pickles can be anything you like: sweet, spicy, crunchy, soft, simple, complex, or even part of dessert!
Helen Shere
Kitchen Encounters
It’s not as hard as you think it is
Esther Shaindy Leshkowitz
Lost and Found: Chanukah Theme 5783
7 tales of treasures lost — and regained
Mishpacha Contributors
Voice in the Crowd
What is it? What’s the secret of Yigal Calek's music, the way it flows not past you, but through you?
Yisroel Besser
Voice in the Crowd
Take this not as political commentary, but as social commentary — not about them, but about us
Yisroel Besser
Cozey Serial
She’s looking down while she speaks, and I suddenly have the weirdest thought: She’s intimidated by me
Ariella Schiller
Cozey Serial
She doesn’t recognize me. We’ve been in school together since kindergarten and She. Doesn’t. Recognize Me
Ariella Schiller
More Fruits of Kindness
Fruits of Kindness

A bus ticket, a care package, a haircut — the items were small, the caring behind them enormous. A small seed sprouted and grew tall. Twenty readers share acts of giving

By Family First Readers