| Once upon a Story |

Best Decoration  

Boruch grew nauseous as he watched. “What is it?” he demanded in horror

As he ran down the steps of his yeshivah, Boruch Schwartz was the happiest kid alive. How could he not be? Succos vacation had finally begun. He wouldn’t have to go back to school for almost three weeks.

Boruch jumped onto his bike, snapped on his helmet, and happily pedaled down the block.

Suddenly, he remembered something. Today was a special day. His uncle Dov had ordered a bigger succah for his own family, and Boruch’s family would be getting his old one. Although it wasn’t brand new, Uncle Dov’s succah was much newer and nicer than the one Boruch’s family had used. It was made of bright green and white plastic walls, with lots of windows to let light in. Today was the day that the new succah was to arrive, and Boruch couldn’t wait to see it.

In a short time, Boruch pulled up in front of his house. He quickly parked his bike near the garage and ran to the back porch, where he knew the new succah would be. Every year, his father would line up the Succah walls on the back porch, and the entire family would help put it up.

Suddenly, Boruch heard a familiar voice.

“Hey, Boruch!”

Boruch whirled around and found himself facing his older brother, Ari.

“Ari!” Boruch cried. “I forgot that you were coming home from yeshivah today.”

Ari was three years older than Boruch, but the two of them were very close.

“Oh, great.” Ari chuckled. “I’ve been away in yeshivah for one month, and you already forgot about me.”

Boruch took a step toward his big brother, then suddenly stopped short. His eyes grew wide as he stared at what was in his brother’s hand. It was a plastic plate, but in the plate was a pile of mush that looked and smelled very, very, strange.

“UGGGH! What in the world is that?” he cried.

Excerpted from Mishpacha Magazine. To view full version, SUBSCRIBE FOR FREE or LOG IN.

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