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Avi Blum, ESQ
A Few Minutes With
Chananel Shapira
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Eliyahu Ackerman
A Few Minutes With
Binyamin Rose and Maury Litwack
A Few Minutes With
Binyamin Rose and Maury Litwack
Movin on Up
Trust yourself more than any test you’ll ever take – you’re the world expert on YOU!
Shaina Keren
Movin on Up
Chaya rethinks her assessment of what an ideal workplace looks like
Leah Greenburg
Double Take
She was definitely the tzadeikes of the family. Who would’ve thought?
Rochel Samet
Double Take
True, you gave me my big break. But does that mean I owe you for life?
Rochel Samet
Bircas Hatov V’hameitiv
Mrs. Shani Mendlowitz
Even at times of joy, there is a gaping hole in our landscape
Mrs. Shani Mendlowitz
Candid takes from people who made the move
Mishpacha Contributors
Some of this generation’s most sought-after mentors offer insight on navigating the challenges, dilemmas, and victories of the ben Torah in today’s workplace
Mishpacha Contributors
We need to appreciate the urgency of the need for adult women’s religious growth
Rabbi Moshe Bane
Spiritual resilience can be understood as the ability to stay close to Hashem during challenges
Alexandra Fleksher
More A Few Minutes With
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2024 is closer than it looks

By Binyamin Rose and Maury Litwack

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Hybrid employment schemes may be key to chareidi jobs 

By Binyamin Rose

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Can Biden navigate a GOP Congress?

By Omri Nahmias

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Republicans have momentum, but will it be enough?

By Omri Nahmias

A Few Minutes With

      Yoav Galant is a former naval commando who was nominated for IDF chief of staff, only to be passed over for Benny Gantz  Photo: Flash 90  Likud MK Yoav Galant is a worried man. A retired major general who formerly headed up the Southern Command, and as a politician who headed up

By Eliyahu Hirschman

A Few Minutes With

Danny Danon has a story to tell about the past, but his eye remains fixed on a political comeback at the highest level

By Gedalia Guttentag