| Cozey Serial |

Who’s Counting: Chapter 2

“Dahlia,” Temmy says carefully. “Do you think a fourteen-year-old should be wearing browns and grays all the time?”

I hold the two-piece up against myself and look in the mirror.

“Nope,” Temmy says.

“Nope,” Hadassah says.

“Nope,” my two-year-old niece, Fraidy, chimes in.

We crack up, because she’s just yum and then I pout. “What is wrong with this one? You guys said no to every other outfit I own. This one Mommy actually bought at a really cool store.” We all look at the two-piece brown outfit. The shirt is ribbed, the skirt A-line. It’s cute!

Temmy chews her lip, Hadassah looks at the ceiling. Finally, they sit down on the bed in Temmy’s guest room and look at me.

I look back at them, somehow feeling like I’m in the principal’s office and a library all at once.

“What?” I say.

Temmy hems, Hadassah haws, Fraidy giggles.

“Okay, I’m wearing this one.”

“No!” both my sisters shout.

I knew that would get their attention.

“Okay, Dahls, it’s like this,” Temmy starts. “Mommy. Our dear, delicious, amazing mother…”

“…is color blind,” Hadassah finishes.

Excerpted from Mishpacha Magazine. To view full version, SUBSCRIBE FOR FREE or LOG IN.

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