Latest Calculated Risk
Calculated Risk
Rabbi Yossi Bensoussan
Calculated Risk
Rabbi Yossi Bensoussan
Calculated Risk
Rabbi Yossi Bensoussan
Close Call
If you’re ashamed to tell people about the friendship, that’s an important sign that shows you don’t feel proud of it
Mrs. Chani Juravel
Close Call
The more time passed, the more clarity I gained about what the problem had been with this friendship in the first place. And in one word, the answer was, “extreme”
Devoiry Braunstein
Torah Thought
Torah leaders confronting the Enlightenment were forced to develop innovative and original approaches to preserving and transmitting the mesorah. Rav Samson Raphael Hirsch’s groundbreaking commentary on Chumash stands out.
Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff
F is for Friendship
“But, but….” I sounded like the sputtering last cup of soda in a slush machine. “That doesn’t make any sense,” I finally said
Ruchama Schnaidman
F is for Friendship
Tzivi wasn’t the writer, I thought. I glanced around the classroom. That left twenty-two other girls. Well, twenty-one because it wasn’t Penina
Ruchama Schnaidman
War Diaries
Of course, my children know about the war; we live in Israel! We’ve had to run for shelter! But…
Esther Mandel
War Diaries
My children are saddened, solemn. But they’re not horrified. It’s 2024
Rachael Lavon
Jolly Solly
The troublesome two faced each other, fists clenched — but were distracted by Jolly Solly’s voice nearby
R. Atkins
Jolly Solly
“Burst pipe!” he called to his fellow workmen inside.  “Somebody turn off the water mains!”
R. Atkins
More Calculated Risk
Calculated Risk

A confident parent isn’t afraid of the question and therefore doesn’t panic

By Rabbi Yossi Bensoussan

Calculated Risk

It’s not my responsibility to fix anyone — not even my child or my spouse

By Rabbi Yossi Bensoussan

Calculated Risk

Raising children can be a singularly enjoyable experience if we only had the proper training in how to do it

By Rabbi Yossi Bensoussan