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Let’s Try It!    

Cut. Curl. Bounce. Clip


I’ve always seen crystal/rock kits in stores and never realized I could make them at home so easily. There was just one ingredient I had to go out and buy. It’s a relatively short project. It does require patience, yet it’s worth it; the kids' anticipation is adorable.

All That Crystals

Yields 2 projects

You’ll need:

  • 2 cups boiling water
  • ½ cup Borax
  • 2 pipe cleaners
  • 2 sticks, such as a popsicle stick or a pencil
  • 2 pieces of string, any kind is fine
  • 2 jars or glasses

Create your own shape using the pipe cleaner. Make sure it’s small enough to fit in your glass. Attach a string to the pipe cleaner, and attach the string to the stick. Make sure you size it right so that the pipe cleaner is floating in the glass, slightly above the bottom, but isn't too high that the Borax solution won’t cover it.

Combine the boiling water with the Borax and stir to combine. (Because Borax is a chemical, I used paper goods and gloves when handling it). Make sure the Borax is fully dissolved for the project to have the best outcome. Then, pour it over the pipe cleaner, covering the pipe cleaner completely. Now, wait! Over the next few hours, you’ll see crystals forming.

Excerpted from Mishpacha Magazine. To view full version, SUBSCRIBE FOR FREE or LOG IN.

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