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Break Your Soda

Here’s another way to make colorless Coke — no companies or Communists involved

Coca-Cola’s fame spread across the globe during World War II, when the soft drink was shipped from the States to soldiers overseas. During this time, it also became popular with non-Americans. Russian general Georgy Zhukov fought the Nazis from the Eastern Front -- and he had his first Coke courtesy of American general Dwight Eisenhower. Although Zhukov really liked the drink, he was afraid the Russians wouldn’t be so excited about him enjoying an American “capitalist” beverage. He asked the Coca-Cola company if they could make the cola clear, so it would look like vodka. They did. And they packaged it in plain bottles. Classic Coca-Cola didn’t come to Russia until 1985.

Here’s another way to make colorless Coke — no companies or Communists involved.

You will need:

20-oz or 2-liter bottle of Coca-Cola or Pepsi

½ cup whole milk


How to do it:


  1. Take the full bottle of Coca-Cola or Pepsi and empty about ½ cup from the bottle.
  2. Take half a cup of whole milk and add it to the bottle.
  3. Close the bottle tightly with the cap.
  4. Wait about 15 minutes and watch what’s happening.
  5. Check on your bottle after two hours.
  6. Then leave the bottle for two days and take a look.


Did the results shock you? You should now have a bottle of clear soda with all the acid and chemicals at the bottom.

Excerpted from Mishpacha Magazine. To view full version, SUBSCRIBE FOR FREE or LOG IN.

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