Crash and Credit

“Let’s make a carnival! We’ll charge an entry fee, and make loads of cash!”
Your kids will love this dramatized version of the Jolly Solly series, read by Nechama B.
They can follow along with the video, or the printout, and color the picture too!
Click on the images to download the printable versions of the story and color-in picture
Fishel and Faivish Friedman had set their hearts on a walkie-talkie set. The one displayed in the window of Tully’s Toyshop. Every kid in town seemed to own one: It was the very latest fad. There was one small problem, however — they had no money. Not a cent!
There were no birthdays coming up in the near future. Fishel and Faivish had lost their allowance for the next three months. (Due to an encounter between their ball and a window.)
“It’s not fair,” grumbled Fishel. “Where’s a kid meant to get money from? We’re utterly deprived.”
“Yeah.” Faivish agreed with his brother for a change.
The pair silently thought about the bitterness of life. Especially life without basics such as walkie-talkies.
Suddenly, Fishel jumped up.
“I know how we can earn money!”
“How?” asked Faivish curiously.
“Let’s make a carnival! We’ll charge an entry fee, and make loads of cash!”
“But — how can we make a carnival? Don’t you need rides and stuff?”
“We’ll make our own rides,” Fishel declared. He was confident.
Faivish had to admit he liked the idea.
Within a short time, the brothers had produced a set of posters announcing the carnival:
At the Friedmans’ house
Today at 3 o’ clock prompt
Rip-roring Rides Never Seen Befour!
Cost: $1
The brothers were just about to put a poster on their front gate, when they heard a loud, “Ahem.”
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