| Musings |

Your Invitation to a Great First Date  

   Or how will all involved parties know how to prepare for this event?

WEall love invitations. Wedding invitations, vort invitations, birthday party invitations. The only gathering that doesn’t include invitations is a date.

But a date should have an invitation, or how will all involved parties know how to prepare for this event?

Title: You Got a Yes!
What: A date! Your first one (with This Boy)

(cue the music: “’Cause the shadchan said this time it will be different and you said all right I’ll give it a try but I don’t think he’s for me but only just once more….”).
Location: Your house
Time: TBD
Participants: Two tired parents, children hiding on the basement steps/behind the curtains/under the table/behind the couch, you (out of sight in your room), The Boy
Refreshments: Some type of baked goods, water with ice, untouched cups from last first date

Please RSVP to the shadchan. Please be aware that this will involve multiple calls and texts which may or may not be forwarded from either party. Only write what you want the boy’s mother to see.

Excerpted from Mishpacha Magazine. To view full version, SUBSCRIBE FOR FREE or LOG IN.

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