
I’ve found the psychological and clinical analysis of what causes bad habits (and how to obtain good habits) to be incredibly apropos in preparing for Elul and for general growth in ruchniyus.
With summer bringing along its own relaxed pace and a bit more time and tranquility to linger over a good book, we asked prominent readers to recommend a book they’re reading now – bestseller or not — or have especially enjoyed reading in the past.
I’m reading an amazing self-help book called “Atomic Habits.” While it was originally recommended by a friend in klei kodesh as a great resource for time management, I’ve found the psychological and clinical analysis of what causes bad habits (and how to obtain good habits) to be incredibly apropos in preparing for Elul and for general growth in ruchniyus.
RABBI SHOLEM FISHBANE, director of kashrus for the Chicago Rabbinical Council (cRc) and executive director of the Associated Kashrus Organizations (AKO)
(Originally featured in Mishpacha, Issue 872)
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