Latest Shooting Stars
Shooting Stars
Shira Gold
Shooting Stars
Shira Gold
Shooting Stars
Shira Gold
Shooting Stars
Shira Gold
Shooting Stars
Shira Gold
In His Own Words
Florist Amerique Ashear of Lakewood is happy to share his tips
Yosef Herz
Close Call
If you’re ashamed to tell people about the friendship, that’s an important sign that shows you don’t feel proud of it
Mrs. Chani Juravel
Close Call
The more time passed, the more clarity I gained about what the problem had been with this friendship in the first place. And in one word, the answer was, “extreme”
Devoiry Braunstein
Family First Editor's Letter
Sometimes the solution isn’t about tackling the reality, but about altering what we tell ourselves about that reality.
Bassi Gruen
Family First Editor's Letter
Sometimes the solution isn’t about tackling the reality, but about altering what we tell ourselves about that reality.
Bassi Gruen
Sirens at Ne'ilah
A half century after the guns fell silent over Sinai and the Golan, revisiting the climactic scenes on the front and those inside the heart
Binyamin Rose
Sirens at Ne'ilah
As sirens wailed, soldiers mobilized, and an entire nation was gripped by fear, how did the Torah world’s leaders respond?
Meir Gold and Yair Stern
Five Random Questions
I think we’re all trying to be considerate of each other. As my father said, “We became such good friends!”
Shoshana Itzkowitz
Five Random Questions
"I love nature and beautiful scenery. The Alps are as un-NYC as you can get!"
Chaya Rosen
More Shooting Stars
Shooting Stars

 I’m not prepared for this. This is… an attack. This is absolutely ludicrous

By Shira Gold

Shooting Stars

I’m torn in two directions.  My dance needs me.  And the play is in just a few weeks.  But I can’t just hang my family on the coat rack. Production!  Merely the mention of it brings a smile to my face.  There’s laughter in the air, music blasting.  The hallways are pulsating with activity, paintbrushes

By Shira Gold

Shooting Stars

First came Ima’s diagnosis. Then everything else

By Shira Gold

Shooting Stars

I’m dizzy just thinking about what awaits me when I come home

By Shira Gold

Shooting Stars

Uncle Dani, my dear Uncle Dani, is nowhere to be found. In his stead is a hardened confused, guy

By Shira Gold

Shooting Stars

Maybe I am going nuts. But why did the principal’s kind offer leave me feeling so uncomfortable?

By Shira Gold