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Shoshana Friedman
Shoshana Friedman
Shoshana Friedman
Shoshana Friedman
Shoshana Friedman
Silent Heroes
"Yes, it’s all true, and this is what makes yeshivah cooks heroes. But Zev is the leader of them all”
Shoshana Itzkowitz
Silent Heroes
In my heart of hearts, I was envious of each of them. They were touching souls and elevating spirits
Yocheved Kreps
War Diaries
Of course, my children know about the war; we live in Israel! We’ve had to run for shelter! But…
Esther Mandel
War Diaries
My children are saddened, solemn. But they’re not horrified. It’s 2024
Rachael Lavon
Make Her Day
We asked: Do you know someone whose life needs brightening? We gave you $100. And you made her day
Make Her Day
We gave them $100. They made someone’s day. 9 stories
Ariella Schiller
“Loser, you’re a loser,” my classmates taunt, pointing at my cleft lip while I shrink into hopeless oblivion
Devorah Grant
I would find myself crying not for Kaila and her family, but for the simplicity of my own life before this all happened
Ariella Schiller
She made me go out with a blockhead, but she can’t make me marry him
Esther Shemtov
I had a ring and a sheitel — and the weight that was still at the forefront of my mind
Goldie Marks
More Screenshot

Why are so many Israelis still clamoring for an agreement? The easy answer is their hatred of Bibi

By Shoshana Friedman


In your moment of greatest peril, we were eons away from that shining vision of unity

By Shoshana Friedman


The past few weeks, the people of Israel have been living with constant tension — but they’re also a nation on vacation

By Shoshana Friedman


When you live in a country surrounded by genocidal enemies, it helps to be tough

By Shoshana Friedman


Is this what happens when one Jew feels endangered by his brother’s very identity? Is this what the air felt like before the Churban?

By Shoshana Friedman


It almost became a game of “tell me your war aim and I will tell you who you are”

By Shoshana Friedman