Jr. Fiction
“I’m still the mother here, and I prefer my daughter not be exposed to these topics at such a young age” Most of my children are married, and I have plenty of grandchildren, kein ayin hara. My youngest child is a ten-year-old girl. Generally, I love the dynamics of a multigenerational family. But lately there’s
Bashie Lisker
Jr. Fiction
Mendy stalks toward me, hand outstretched. I shriek until Mommy comes onto the porch to see what’s going on
Ariella Schiller
News Feature
As selected hostages emerge from Gaza, joy mingles with dread
Avi Blum, ESQ and Binyamin Rose and Chananel Shapiro and Yaakov Lipszyc
News Feature
The Crown Heights riots, 30 years on
Yochonon Donn
Stick a pin in the phonebook. See where it lands. Make the call. Does everyone have a story? Five writers find out
Musia Slavin
Stick a pin in the phonebook. See where it lands. Make the call. Does everyone have a story? Five writers find out
Esther Kurtz
Protektzia is baked into our society. Should it be?
Family First Readers
Kids are overwhelmed, parents are overworked. Just whose job is this homework, anyway?
Family First Readers
Family Diary
I look up at my husband, who is shuckling intently. “Would we do this if we had a baby?”
Chava Glick
Family Diary
The good news is that because I’m part of Klal Yisrael, I have an army of helpers along the way
Chava Glick
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I'm Stuck

I don’t want to antagonize my child’s school — but I know her best

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You’ve already understood and are successfully doing what many parents and grandparents fail to do: letting go

By Faigy Peritzman

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Our children grow up and establish their own lives. This gives us joy and it gives us pain

By Faigy Peritzman

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I’m worried that without help, this will spiral into even more dysfunctional behavior as he gets older

By Faigy Peritzman

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My husband refuses to loan my brother a down payment

By Faigy Peritzman

I'm Stuck

Our goal as parents is to provide opportunities for our children to choose their personal balance

By Faigy Peritzman