Latest Calligraphy
Michal Marcus
Ariella Schiller
Rivka Streicher
Rachel Newton
Perl Weisz
Shooting Stars
As long as I’m here, I’m given the strength. To endure. To survive and smile
Shira Gold
Shooting Stars
The steel, stinging bars weren’t only literal. I had nearly imprisoned my soul
Shira Gold
“Oh, goodness, I’m so happy. It’s amazing what a good fit does to a gown. Beautiful, beautiful”
Esty Heller
It was not my place to tell Yocheved what to do. This was her business, her responsibility. I couldn’t change the world
Esty Heller
Staying the Course
Against the odds, I had done it. Not only done it, but done it well
Yossi Myers
Staying the Course
As foreign as some of the classes were, ultimately, the questions raised in every course brought me back to where I came from
Yossi Myers
My Yeshivah: Shavuos 5782
The boys would go home for Pesach and Succos, and the place lost its energy; the town became a shadow of itself
Rivka Streicher
My Yeshivah: Shavuos 5782
Now Jacob’s pathetic cries were a mockery, and I trembled, my knees pulled tight up to my chin. I could not, would not hold him in my arms and watch him slip away. Not again It was 1692 when I lost Isla to the water. We were drowning. The water was warm as blood and
Family First Contributors
The Lonely Wait
Within all the sound, do we hear the voices of the young men and women themselves?
Faigie Zelcer
The Lonely Wait
Adopt a Shadchan (AAS) began with a small group of dedicated shadchanim, committed to helping singles find their match
Lisa Elefant
More Calligraphy

Wrinkles are an honor when grandchildren count them. He has his four grandchildren from his son Meir. I, as he’s well aware, am a bubby to no one.

By Esty Heller


“It’s your job, to make her smile, to bring her happiness, and a girl like this, she can use it. You’ll know what you have to do. It’s not as easy as you think, but it’s also not so hard.”

By Dov Haller


Sometimes you need to play nice, and dumb, and keep your insights to yourself. Sometimes you walk away even when you probably should stay. And you never tell people the answer — they need to get it themselves

By Esther Kurtz


I want to tell him it’s impossible, our largest event drew what, 30, 40, do we even know 100 students, but something stops me

By Rochel Samet


The girls don’t seem to take to the ideas that I recount so passionately. There are shuffles and whispers and the occasional giggle

By Rochel Samet


“If you don’t like my content, no one is forcing you to stay. This isn’t my job job, I post on my account for a fun chill. So please be chill!”

By Michal Frischman