| Calligraphy |

Broken Things

What does that feel like, to be at peace with your lot in life, even if that lot is standing at the corner of Kikar Shabbos and Malchei Yisrael on a cool Jerusalem morning, annoying everyone within a ten-mile radius?


I won’t open the door. I sweep right up until the doorframe and then stop, so I’m nose to nose with the light pink wood. For a nanosecond, I envision flinging it wide open, then standing aside, so the ghosts and memories and dust swirl past me, leaving the room… empty.

So empty.

I stay there for a moment, lost in time, broom dangling limply in my hand. I startle when it clatters forward, knocking into the door.

Stupid broom. The light pink wood now has a thin scratch on it. I rub at it viciously but it won’t budge.

I need to go to the hardware store. This minute.


Twenty-eight minutes later, I’m standing in the paint section, looking at swatches.

I want to be at the grays, comparing Pavestone and Dovetail. I should be at the grays. But instead, I’m at the pinks. Rosy Outlook, that’s the color. I remember debating with Aryeh the merits of Millenial Pink and Faint Coral before we agreed on Rosy Outlook. Shvil hazahav if you will.

I stare at the swatch, clutching the handle of my wagon. I want to move, to ask a worker to help me load my cart with Argos. But instead I’m crying, surrounded by the happiness of bright colors.

Excerpted from Mishpacha Magazine. To view full version, SUBSCRIBE FOR FREE or LOG IN.

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