| June 25, 2024This is Deep Dive, Dubai, the deepest pool in the world
I hope you’ve got your scuba gear, because we’re going deep, deep, deeeeep into the water. No, this isn’t an ocean or a sea or even a lake. This is Deep Dive, Dubai, the deepest pool in the world. At 197 feet (60 meters) deep and full of 3.7 million gallons of water, Deep Dive is as large as close to six Olympic-sized swimming pools. And not many people can make it all the way to the bottom of the pool, so follow along and we’ll descend…
From above, the pool looks like an ordinary, though very wide and long swimming pool. It’s not that different from the pools that you might be swimming in this summer. But beneath the surface, there are all sorts of surprises! First, though, you need to dive in.
And you’re off.
The water presses around you, and you’re glad that you have scuba gear on, because otherwise, you’d have to keep coming up for air. But you don’t want to! The water is blue and clean, and all you see around you are other divers, going up and down through the pool. As you dive a little deeper, you see a glass wall that gives you a perfect view of one of the shops a few floors down. There are people eating at the tables, and they wave at you. It’s like being in an aquarium — on the other side of the exhibit! You give them a thumbs up and swim lower.
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