Take 2 - Mishpacha Magazine https://mishpacha.com The premier Magazine for the Jewish World Tue, 07 Jan 2025 11:13:23 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.9.6 https://mishpacha.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/cropped-logo_m-32x32.png Take 2 - Mishpacha Magazine https://mishpacha.com 32 32 Sit Down Comedy and Asher Yatzar | Take 2 with Yossi Hecht https://mishpacha.com/sit-down-comedy-and-asher-yatzar-take-2-with-yossi-hecht/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=sit-down-comedy-and-asher-yatzar-take-2-with-yossi-hecht https://mishpacha.com/sit-down-comedy-and-asher-yatzar-take-2-with-yossi-hecht/#respond Fri, 08 Sep 2023 01:00:32 +0000 https://mishpacha.com/?p=159344 How can you keep smiling when tragedy strikes… twice?

The post Sit Down Comedy and Asher Yatzar | Take 2 with Yossi Hecht first appeared on Mishpacha Magazine.

How can you keep smiling when tragedy strikes… twice? In this episode, Yisroel Besser talks with Yossi Hecht; media personality, author, musician, cancer survivor and husband about his incredibly inspiring life story. They discuss the ways that Yossi was able to harness and exude an incredible simchas hachayim despite losing his ability to walk and the devastating loss of his mother shortly thereafter. How was Hashem Yossi’s shadchan? Who usually gets pesicha d’neila of Yom Kippur in Rabbi Bender’s Shul? And how do you pronounce Dovi Safier’s name?


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Soft Yesses and Blocked Numbers | Take Rabbi Tzadok Katz, Rabbi Meir Levi & Rabbi Shlomo Lewenstein https://mishpacha.com/take-2-with-master-shadchanim?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=watch-take-2-with-master-shadchanim-rabbi-tzadok-katz-rabbi-meir-levi-rabbi-shlomo-lewenstein https://mishpacha.com/take-2-with-master-shadchanim#respond Tue, 01 Aug 2023 01:00:23 +0000 https://mishpacha.com/?p=156916 When your work puts you inside some of the most sensitive situations in our community, how can you keep from burning out?

The post Soft Yesses and Blocked Numbers | Take Rabbi Tzadok Katz, Rabbi Meir Levi & Rabbi Shlomo Lewenstein first appeared on Mishpacha Magazine.

Do all bachurim vape?

In this episode, Yisroel Besser talks with Rabbi Tzadok Katz, Rabbi Shlomo Lewenstein, and Rabbi Meir Levi, three preeminent Lakewood shadchanim. They discuss how the field of shadchanus looks from the inside, how technology has changed the landscape of dating, and how they navigate a career that doesn’t allow for any semblance of a normal life outside of their jobs.

When your work puts you inside some of the most sensitive situations in our community, how can you keep from burning out? Have shadchanus fees gone up, and should they? And can shadchanim drink on Purim?

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The post Soft Yesses and Blocked Numbers | Take Rabbi Tzadok Katz, Rabbi Meir Levi & Rabbi Shlomo Lewenstein first appeared on Mishpacha Magazine.

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Passion for Tzedakah and Ideals That Don’t Exist | Take 2 with Rabbi Aaron Lopiansky https://mishpacha.com/take-2-with-rabbi-aharon-lopiansky/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=take-2-with-rabbi-aharon-lopiansky https://mishpacha.com/take-2-with-rabbi-aharon-lopiansky/#respond Sat, 17 Dec 2022 22:27:44 +0000 https://mishpacha.com/?p=139367 If people are giving, does it matter how much they spend on material items in their lives?

The post Passion for Tzedakah and Ideals That Don’t Exist | Take 2 with Rabbi Aaron Lopiansky first appeared on Mishpacha Magazine.

What is the challenge of our generation?
In this episode, Yisroel Besser talks with Rav Aaron Lopiansky, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva of Greater Washington. They discuss the Rosh Yeshiva’s written legacy, and how many chiddushei Torah should be out in print today. The Rosh Yeshiva talks about how true gadlus is emes and yashrus, even sometimes instead of learning full-time. They discuss how the Rosh Yeshiva tries to keep the personal aspect of the transaction of giving tzedakah alive, and how to look for good in this world, even when there’s so much for us to work on. And if people are giving, does it matter how much they spend on material items in their lives?

The post Passion for Tzedakah and Ideals That Don’t Exist | Take 2 with Rabbi Aaron Lopiansky first appeared on Mishpacha Magazine.

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Infertility and a Lifelong Undertaking  | Take 2 with Rabbi Shlomo Bochner https://mishpacha.com/take-2-with-rabbi-shlomo-bochner/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=take-2-with-rabbi-shlomo-bochner https://mishpacha.com/take-2-with-rabbi-shlomo-bochner/#respond Wed, 03 Aug 2022 09:30:50 +0000 https://mishpacha.com/?p=127131 What do you do when Hashem says no?

The post Infertility and a Lifelong Undertaking  | Take 2 with Rabbi Shlomo Bochner first appeared on Mishpacha Magazine.

What do you do when Hashem says no?
In this episode, Yisroel Besser talks with Rabbi Shlomo Bochner, founder of Bonei Olam, who shares the story of the foundation of the organization, once just intended to fund infertility treatments, but now a huge umbrella of services that help a range of people from single people, through marriage, infertility, and up until the birth of a child. They discuss the work Bonei Olam has done in eliminating genetic disorders and identifying mutations on a cellular level, and how the stigmas of infertility have lessened and what that means for getting support from family members, and their involvement in navigating high-risk pregnancies and misdiagnosis.



The post Infertility and a Lifelong Undertaking  | Take 2 with Rabbi Shlomo Bochner first appeared on Mishpacha Magazine.

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Imported Cupcakes and a Yeshivah’s Growth | Take 2 with Rabbi Aaron Kotler https://mishpacha.com/take-2-with-rabbi-aaron-kotler/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=take-2-with-rabbi-aaron-kotler https://mishpacha.com/take-2-with-rabbi-aaron-kotler/#respond Wed, 20 Jul 2022 06:59:05 +0000 https://mishpacha.com/?p=125311 How can you make innovations in a yeshivah when the goal is to continue a long mesorah?

The post Imported Cupcakes and a Yeshivah’s Growth | Take 2 with Rabbi Aaron Kotler first appeared on Mishpacha Magazine.

How can you make innovations in a yeshivah when the goal is to continue a long mesorah? Did Lakewood have a thriving Jewish nightlife before the yeshivah settled there?
In this episode, Yisroel Besser talks with Rabbi Aaron Kotler about the unique position that Rabbi Kotler took in Beis Medrash Govoha, and who he looked to as his inspiration when he grew the yeshivah to what it is today. They dispel the myth about why his illustrious grandfather, Rav Aharon, chose Lakewood to begin with and discuss what Rav Aharon might think about today’s Lakewood.


The post Imported Cupcakes and a Yeshivah’s Growth | Take 2 with Rabbi Aaron Kotler first appeared on Mishpacha Magazine.

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Tragedy and Ani Maamin | Take 2 With Shloimi Steinmetz https://mishpacha.com/take-2-with-shloime-steinmetz/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=take-2-with-shloime-steinmetz https://mishpacha.com/take-2-with-shloime-steinmetz/#respond Sat, 14 May 2022 22:45:12 +0000 https://mishpacha.com/?p=118882 How can the unfathomable pain of losing a child be channeled into something holy?

The post Tragedy and Ani Maamin | Take 2 With Shloimi Steinmetz first appeared on Mishpacha Magazine.

How can the unfathomable pain of losing a child be channeled into something holy?
In this moving episode, Yisroel Besser talks with Shloimi Steinmetz, who lost his son Dovi as one of the 45 kedoshim in the Meron tragedy of 2021. Since that trauma shook our nation, Shloimi has channeled his energies into teaching bitachon and emunah to others, relaying a message that he lives every day. He shared how his family rallied in the days following the petirah, why they began the Ani Maamin initiative, and what it means to give chizuk to others when you need it yourself.



The post Tragedy and Ani Maamin | Take 2 With Shloimi Steinmetz first appeared on Mishpacha Magazine.

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Benny’s Favorite Topic and Postville Solos | Take 2 With Benny Friedman https://mishpacha.com/take-2-with-benny-friedman/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=take-2-with-benny-friedman https://mishpacha.com/take-2-with-benny-friedman/#respond Tue, 05 Apr 2022 20:42:25 +0000 https://mishpacha.com/?p=115990 Did Avremel advise Benny to go into showbiz? And does being a Lubavitcher chassid hurt or help a singer’s career?

The post Benny’s Favorite Topic and Postville Solos | Take 2 With Benny Friedman first appeared on Mishpacha Magazine.

Does overexposure exist in today’s media-frantic world?
In this episode, Yisroel Besser talks with Benny Friedman about Jewish music, and what it’s really like to make a parnassah in a field that is so unique. They discuss the impact that Avraham Fried and Doni Gross have had on Benny’s career, and what it takes to make great music.
Did Avremel advise him to go into showbiz? And does being a Lubavitcher chassid hurt or help a singer’s career?


The post Benny’s Favorite Topic and Postville Solos | Take 2 With Benny Friedman first appeared on Mishpacha Magazine.

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Take 2 with Abie Rotenberg https://mishpacha.com/take-2-with-abie-rotenberg/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=take-2-with-abie-rotenberg https://mishpacha.com/take-2-with-abie-rotenberg/#respond Sun, 20 Feb 2022 12:27:52 +0000 https://mishpacha.com/?p=112913

The post Take 2 with Abie Rotenberg first appeared on Mishpacha Magazine.


The post Take 2 with Abie Rotenberg first appeared on Mishpacha Magazine.

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WATCH! Take 2 with Yossi Gestetner https://mishpacha.com/watch-take-2-with-yossi-gestetner/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=watch-take-2-with-yossi-gestetner https://mishpacha.com/watch-take-2-with-yossi-gestetner/#respond Sun, 16 Jan 2022 00:02:31 +0000 https://mishpacha.com/?p=110827

The post WATCH! Take 2 with Yossi Gestetner first appeared on Mishpacha Magazine.


The post WATCH! Take 2 with Yossi Gestetner first appeared on Mishpacha Magazine.

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WATCH! Take 2 with Rabbi Gedaliah Zlotowitz https://mishpacha.com/watch-take-2-with-rabbi-gedaliah-zlotowitz/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=watch-take-2-with-rabbi-gedaliah-zlotowitz https://mishpacha.com/watch-take-2-with-rabbi-gedaliah-zlotowitz/#respond Wed, 03 Nov 2021 15:52:58 +0000 https://mishpacha.com/?p=107108

The post WATCH! Take 2 with Rabbi Gedaliah Zlotowitz first appeared on Mishpacha Magazine.


The post WATCH! Take 2 with Rabbi Gedaliah Zlotowitz first appeared on Mishpacha Magazine.

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