| A Storied People |

From Migdal HaEmek to Arad 

Rav Grossman turned the conversation in a completely unexpected direction

The Background
Rav Yitzchok Dovid Grossman called me with this story about an incredible chain of siyata d’Shmaya when he needed it most.


had the zechus of writing a book about Rav Yitzchok Dovid Grossman, the tzaddik from Migdal HaEmek, titled Living Legend, read by tens of thousands of people who were inspired by it. Since the book was published, I’ve remained in touch with Rav Grossman, even though he is a very busy individual and hard to reach.

Whenever he calls, I answer right away, wherever I am. This is what happened just a couple of months ago. I was standing in the middle of a candy store in Ramat Beit Shemesh to buy treats for my niece and nephew. Suddenly I got a call from Rav Yitzchok Dovid. There was no way I was missing this call. Even though I was in the middle of buying candy, I knew I was in store for something no less sweet.

After schmoozing with me for a couple of minutes, Rav Grossman turned the conversation in a completely unexpected direction. What follows is the story he told me, in his own words.

Excerpted from Mishpacha Magazine. To view full version, SUBSCRIBE FOR FREE or LOG IN.

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