The MomentWednesday, January 01, 2025The Moment: Issue 1043Rabbi Trenk’s house isn’t just “the Rabbi’s home.” His home has become a celebrated bastion of hachnassas orchim
The MomentTuesday, December 24, 2024The Moment: Issue 1042“The honor of Torah must precede the learning of Torah”
For the RecordTuesday, December 24, 2024The Finnish False MessiahIt was only natural that following the Holocaust...messianic yearnings would once again surface
The MomentTuesday, December 17, 2024The Moment: Issue 1041Rav Weiss explained that the pens were his “siyum pens”
The MomentTuesday, December 10, 2024The Moment: Issue 1040“How are we supposed to go to sleep tonight?”
The MomentTuesday, December 03, 2024The Moment: Issue 1039In a way, the kinnus was the greatest response to the senseless terror
The MomentTuesday, November 26, 2024The Moment: Issue 1038Sometimes, the gains extend far beyond the noble objective itself
The MomentTuesday, November 19, 2024The Moment: Issue 1037This past Motzaei Shabbos, all of Klal Yisrael could cry out a national “vai avda nefesh”
The MomentTuesday, November 12, 2024The Moment: Issue 1036Rabbi E. was flabbergasted. He hadn’t known this student wasn’t keeping Shabbos regularly
The MomentWednesday, November 06, 2024The Moment: Issue 1035And then he added: “And I had the chance to make a kiddush Hashem”
The MomentTuesday, October 29, 2024The Moment: Issue 1034“Now do it again, and this time, learn it even better and in more depth”