Shaindy Horowitz writes the weekly column UPWORDS in the English section of Hamachne Hachareidi. She is a frequent contributor to Hamodia’s Inyan magazine and Mishpacha. Her style ranges from Torah insights, stories of tzaddikim and historical accounts to personal accounts from her own life and those of others.
She is in the process of authoring a book about the Be’er Shmuel zt”l, entitled “A Rebbe of Rebbes”, which is based on the Unsdorf Diaries – a collection of students’ memoirs from prewar Yeshivas Unsdorf about their beloved Rav and Rosh Yeshiva, hagaon HaRav Shmuel Rosenberg zt”l (1842 – 1919). The incredible story begins long before Rav Shmuel’s birth and continues long after his passing, with biographies of dozens of talmidim who became great Torah luminaries themselves. Her enthusiasm for the topic has developed – ever since her marriage to her husband, who is a great, great grandson of the Be’er Shmuel zt”l.
She is also compiling another collection of her published stories in a book called “Journeys”, encompassing a broad variety of fascinating tales.
In addition, she teaches art to students of all ages and can be reached at 929-271-5159 or horovitz@yeshivanet.com