One-third of the SisterSchmooze trio—and also known as “The Twins’ Sister”—Marcia Stark Meth lives in the Washington DC area and works for a federal contractor. When she’s not busy managing projects or writing reports, web content, proposals, presentations, and other assorted materials, she dreams about the North Carolina Outer Banks. That’s where, for more than ten years, her hard-working family has been converging every summer for one relaxing, fun-filled, family-bonding week. Her kids and grandkids come from across the globe: Silver Spring, Maryland; Boca Raton, Florida: Las Vegas, Nevada; and even Israel! In addition to “beach therapy,” she considers the SisterSchmooze column as “writing therapy.” She especially loves writing about her Brooklyn roots and about memories of her amazing mother, Rose Stark a’h, a Holocaust survivor.