ParshahTuesday, December 31, 2024Parshas Vayigash: Home Is Where the Heart Is“Don’t expect my children, grandchildren, or any of my descendants to ever forget their Land”
ParshahTuesday, December 17, 2024Parshas Vayeishev: Speech TherapyWords are the narrow bridge across the abyss between soul and soul, between two human beings, and between humanity and G-d
ParshahTuesday, December 10, 2024Parshas Vayishlach: My Shul’s SisterhoodAll Yisrael are like brothers since we’re all children of Hashem
ParshahTuesday, December 03, 2024Parshas Vayeitzei: What’s in a Name?Of all the crowns of glory that humans can achieve, there’s one that stands supreme: kesser shem tov
TripleSayTuesday, December 03, 2024“Does Worrying Mean I Don’t Have Emunah?”“The only way to build the emunah muscle is to exercise it both in times of brachah and times of tzarah”
ParshahTuesday, November 26, 2024Parshas Toldos: Sibling PsychologyWe’d be much happier if we wouldn’t judge ourselves by how someone else fares
Medical MysteryTuesday, November 19, 2024Danger: Pain-Free I had a new baby — and no white blood cells. No one knew what was going on
ParshahTuesday, November 19, 2024Parshas Chayei Sarah: Compatibility CalculatorMany times it’s not in our best interest to marry somebody who’s too similar to us
ParshahTuesday, November 12, 2024Parshas Vayeira: Gratitude AttitudeThe vast majority of effort in any successful endeavor is done behind the scenes
ParshahWednesday, November 06, 2024Parshas Lech Lecha: Freedom or Force?Hashem didn’t force Avraham to choose between bad or good, and neither does He force us
ParshahTuesday, October 29, 2024Parshas Noach: Face ItEach new nisayon is another opportunity to achieve chein